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Check out Brad Ellis’ Artwork

Today we’d like to introduce you to Brad Ellis.

Brad, we’d love to hear your story and how you got to where you are today both personally and as an artist.
Since I was a young boy, I have always loved to make pictures. I seemed to have been blessed with a natural ability to draw so I’ve known since an early age that I wanted to be an artist. Making art has been a major part of my life for many years now, and I’m extremely grateful that I get to do this for a living.

We’d love to hear more about your art. What do you do and why and what do you hope others will take away from your work?
I am an abstract artist creating paintings in a variety of mediums but with an emphasis on the use of encaustic paint. I’ve always been drawn to this ages-old, wax-based medium and what can be achieved with it. The pure physicality of the paint combined with various collage elements render distinct textures and surface treatments that energizes my work with movement and excitement.

Throughout my career, I’ve experimented with imagery from tightly rendered, systematic patterns to loosely constructed, expressionistic compositions. As the artist making the work, I am always excited by the unpredictability and potential sense of discovery when creating a new work which is one of the main reasons why I do what I do.

Have things improved for artists? What should cities do to empower artists?
I think Houston has a great art community in terms of the number of artists working there and the patrons, institutions, and galleries that support them. A life in the arts can be very challenging but also very rewarding. I think most artists don’t have a choice. They have to make art no matter what the circumstances.

Do you have any events or exhibitions coming up? Where would one go to see more of your work? How can people support you and your artwork?
My work will be included in two upcoming group shows the first of which is at Russell Collection Fine Art in Austin, with the opening reception on April 6th and the second show at Craighead Green Gallery in Dallas, opening on May 11th.

People can visit my studio which is in Austin, TX or they can check out the six galleries that currently represents my work in the United States:

Craighead Green Gallery, Dallas, TX

Russell Collection Fine Art, Austin, TX

Sandler Hudson Gallery, Atlanta, GA

Erdreich White Fine Art, Boston, MA

M. A. Doran Gallery, Tulsa, OK

Santa Fe Editions, Santa Fe, NM

Contact Info:

  • Address: 3405 South Congress
    Austin, TX
  • Website:
  • Phone: 4697137627
  • Email:
  • Instagram: brad_ellis_art
  • Facebook: brad ellis – abstract artist

Image Credit:
Brad Ellis

Getting in touch: VoyageHouston is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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