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Meet James Clay of FreshFiction in The Heights

Today we’d like to introduce you to James Clay.

So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
Growing up, I loved watching films, movies and embracing pop culture. I wasn’t sure how I could apply it to my life, but unbeknownst to me at the time I like a sponge seeing the world through the places each story would take me. Flash forward 15 years I was studying Radio, Television, and Film at The University of North Texas in Denton, Texas and a chance meeting led me to an introduction with the school paper’s –North Texas Daily– entertainment editor.

It took some time, but I was finally published in the paper and it a stroke of luck that led me to where I am today. From there, I was able to obtain press credentials to screenings in Dallas when I was assigned to review a film but still didn’t feel respected as a full-fledged film critic. But these things take time.

Everything changed when I moved to Houston, I emailing marketing firms and pitching myself as a film critic who should be on their press lists. Little by little I received invitations to interviews, film screenings and was able to attend SXSW in 2014.

After several fits and starts and denied applications, I was admitted into the Houston Film Critic’s Society and that provided me the network and validation I was searching for.

The past five years I have just been plugging away hitting critical milestones such as being accepted onto Rotten Tomatoes, attending international film festivals and being quoted in movie trailers. This isn’t a field that one finds success in unless they are passionate about the art form and can take a ton of rejection.

Each week presents its own challenges, but here I am seven years later still obsessed with movies.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
Self-confidence and rejection. It’s tough for any person in the creative fields, but you just have to keep going. You have to ask yourself the question who am I doing this for? And if the answer isn’t “for myself” you need to reassess your career path.

FreshFiction – what should we know? What do you guys do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
FreshFiction is an entertainment journalist website that we have taken from just a tiny little blog to a growing website with millions of monthly readers.

Our team is filled with diverse voices and perspectives that have allowed us to become a prominent name in film criticism. I consider myself very fortunate, but hard work never has hurt anybody.

What is “success” or “successful” for you?
Success for me is not being complacent. Always reassessing my goals, they should always be influx and defined by you and you alone.

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