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Life and Work with Mandi Kreisher

Today we’d like to introduce you to Mandi Kreisher.

Mandi, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
I was an actress for over ten years. I didn’t realize how stuck I really felt until I left the industry. I talk more about this in detail on my blog, but long story short– I ended up randomly traveling to Portland, Oregon for a week and I fell in love! I fell in love with not only the city and the people, but I fell in love with this overwhelming feeling that I was free, that I could feel this way over and over again if I chose to. Sounds so obvious, but as an actress you are anything but free to make your own choices.

I left the business in 2015 and haven’t looked back since. I’ve been so lucky since then to be able to travel the world.

I have been to 43 states while working for a traveling music festival. I met some of my best friends and the love of my life on tour while living out of hotels and drinking way too much coffee.

I spent a summer in Pennsylvania where I met people I never would have come into contact with had I not taken that god awful job.

I toured the East coast with a group of child performers and learned so much about myself during those 11 weeks (porta potty’s are just not my jam, neither is sharing a honey wagon bunk with a singing obsessed 20 something).

I lived in Tokyo by myself for a month. I was heartbroken at the time, didn’t know the language or anyone in the country; yet I left there with a new sense of confidence in myself I had been sorely lacking.

I spent a good amount of time in Mexico and realized that’s probably where I want to settle down one day. I’ve witnessed the most gorgeous sunsets while island hopping in the Philippines. I have grown tremendously throughout all of my time traveling. Growth that I never would have seen if I stayed in LA.

I wasn’t happy with my life then. I’m happy now.

Has it been a smooth road?
Not only has my journey been the exact opposite of smooth, but it has been difficult and terrifying all at the same time.

I put myself in life changing situations that I knew were either gonna change my world for the better or for worse. I have a good head on my shoulders and I believe in myself, so I knew I would be okay, but that wasn’t always the case. Still do this day I have hiccups and have to remind myself that I am strong and I can get through anything I set my mind to.

I think that’s the advice I have to offer. Believe in yourself. It sounds SO cheesy, I know– but it’s really what has gotten me to where I am now.

We’d love to hear more about your work and what you are currently focused on. What else should we know?
I co-own a small start-up called Hey Mandalini (@heymandalini) where my partner and I design and sell super fun merch. I used my experience co-owning a cookie company from 2014 and 2015 to move this business along. We have been getting such great feedback from our customers and it’s so validating to know that our ideas are good ideas and that people actually care.

I also work in digital media, which allows me to work from anywhere in the world most times. My boyfriend has said something that sits with me quite often and I think is great for anyone to hear who is going through “lifes struggles.” Basically you need to figure out what kind of life you want and then make that happen. Don’t just settle for the 9-5 down the street from where you live because it’s easy and convenient when in reality you want to be a chef at a 5-star restaurant. Figure out what you want and then go get it!

Are there any apps, books, podcasts or other resources that you’ve benefited from using?
I use “Team Viewer” a lot while working and traveling. It allows me to see what is on my partners screen so we can create more easily.

“Hootsuite” is huge for anyone working in social media. Seriously, if you run any social media accounts you NEED to be using a scheduler. It will make your life so much easier.

I am not one to pay for apps, but I spent $2 on ‘iExit” like four years ago and it was the best $2 I have ever spent. I am on the road quite often and this app tells me what stops are at each exit everywhere in the US.

I also love the app “Hotel Tonight” for those nights when I need a place to stay last minute. They have great deals and sometimes, you can get a really nice hotel for pretty cheap since it is so last minute.

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Image Credit:
Larry Rosa Photo

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