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Meet Rob Eppolito of Video Mojo in Galleria Area

Today we’d like to introduce you to Rob Eppolito.

Thanks for sharing your story with us Rob. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
I started a marketing business for Realtors in Sept. 2000 under the name RE Promotions. I provided website design, ad design and postcard design. As technology changed, I started offering video tours. In 2012, I changed my business model to focus on video marketing services for ALL types of businesses and I updated my company name to Video Mojo. Since then, I’ve produced 350+ videos for all types of industries.

In 2017, I started reading about the “retail apocalypse” and I knew I could do something to help the local community. So I started The mission is of TruVisit is simple: TruVisit Partners with entrepreneurs to promote “buying local” with the power of video content.

Has it been a smooth road?
The biggest struggle for me is getting the word out to local business owners about Video Mojo and As a sole proprietor most of my time is spent shooting and producing videos, so I haven’t focused enough time (consistently) on getting new business. While I’m fortunate that I get referrals, and I also get new business from the fantastic networking group NIA, the “peaks and valleys” of workflow has been difficult at times. It’s my own fault, this I know to be true. Starting Jan 2020, I will be actively reaching new prospects in a variety of ways!

So, as you know, we’re impressed with Video Mojo – tell our readers more, for example what you’re most proud of and what sets you apart from others.
What I see in the market today is very expensive video productions that don’t connect with people on a level that makes them TAKE ACTION. A professional video is a lot more than high-quality footage, it’s about conveying a message that resonates with your target market. If it doesn’t resonate, if you’re not connecting with your target market in an emotional way, you’re video is dead the moment it starts. So my #1 goal for my client is to create a video that generates business for them, period!

Although I’ve helped hundreds of companies convey their message, I’m most proud of the latest work I’m doing in the community with Community Videos. A Community Video highlights the ambiance and feel of the local hot spots (brick & mortar businesses) like restaurants & bars as well as local retail shops, boutiques and more. But the difference is, this is a complimentary service to the local brick & mortar business. I’m partnering with local entrepreneurs to sponsor the videos. The benefit to the Sponsor is a) they are recognized in the video as the person/company that has “given back” to the community, and b) in the video the Sponsor gives a brief overview of their products/services. The end result is the Sponsor will reach a broader audience, many of which may have never heard of the company before!. The brick & mortar businesses love it because it’s free publicity for them, the Sponsor loves the increased marketing reach and consumes love the TruVisit tours.

Let’s touch on your thoughts about our city – what do you like the most and least?
I love the mix of people in Houston! People from all walks of life are here, many of which have started their own business. As a business owner myself, I love that part of it! Houston is also a friendly city. I was born and raised in New York and I can’t remember driving down a street and having someone wave at me. That happens here! It’s just a great city all around.


  • Starting price for most other videos is just $350.
  • Full video production with consultation, planning, story-boarding, location shoot, voice-over, etc. starts at just $1,700.

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Stills from Video Mojo videos.

Suggest a story: VoyageHouston is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.

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