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Meet Tiffany Brown of #BeautiffullGainz in Southwest Houston

Today we’d like to introduce you to Tiffany Brown.

Tiffany, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
Believe it or not, I have manifested everything that is for me. My story began in Salisbury, NC where I was proudly born and raised. Growing up, I always knew that I had a love and passion for two things, dancing and fitness. Throughout grade school, I was very active in sports- basketball, volleyball, cheerleading, track. I always strived to do as much as I could possibly get away with just to stay active. Dancing has and always will be apart of my life. If I can’t put it into words, I let my dancing speak for me.

After finally moving away from my hometown and graduating college with my Bachelors in Kinesiology (UNCG, 2017), I knew that it was time for me to bet on myself and take a risk. So I did. A week after graduating college I packed all my things and drove 18hrs to Houston, TX with very little money saved, no job, staying with a very lovely family I had only met via Facetime, thereafter crashing on a friends couch for six months. But GOD!

It has been three years now since I have moved to Houston and although it has felt like a roller coaster ride (quit, hired, and fired, anxiety/depression, love and lost) I would not change anything about this amazing journey that I am still on today. I call it #BeautiffullGainz, which is who I am and what I have become.

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
As I mentioned, it has not been a smooth journey however I am forever grateful for every lesson it has taught me along the way. It’s amazing when I think about it, but finding a job has never been too tough for me (I live to give that credit to GOD), the tough part was the job itself keeping my interest. Let’s just say if it’s not working for me, then sometimes you just have to move on.

My biggest struggle was keeping my health together in the midst of job hopping. Houston was a change of scenery for a small town girl like myself, so I wanted to explore everything! After a year of being in Houston and enjoying all the amazing restaurants, food trucks, bar/lounges, and all the great things that this city has to offer, I realized that I had lost my focus, myself, and my passion which led me to gain 25lbs weighing the most I had ever been in my life.

#BeautiffullGainz – what should we know? What do you do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
#BeautiffullGainz is a conversational platform enabling the full potential in women to achieve success through health, fitness, and wellness by encouraging them to choose healthier eating habits in addition to providing fitness inspiration, furthermore bringing awareness to the importance of our overall mental well-being. Gaining a new lifestyle!

I am a Dance & Fitness Choreographer. Two different styles, same goal (staying active). My dance class is a 1 hour long class where I teach an original choreographed routine to 1 song. My fitness class is also 1 hour where I lead the class altogether through a series of dance/fitness movements to various song selections.

As a business, I am most proud of myself for sharing my journey and receiving so much love and support from all over. I believe that when you are authentically yourself people feel that and naturally gravitate towards what’s real whether they want to or not and I think that’s what sets me apart because I’m so passionate about my health, fitness and overall well-being for myself and others.

What moment in your career do you look back most fondly on?
The launch of my #BeautiffullGainz Guide – Total Body Gainz Edition has to be my proudest moment. My #BeautiffullGainz Guide is a fitness/motivational guide to help burn fat and gain a new lifestyle, all in one. It includes a 21 Day workout guide (no gym required), grocery list with meal options, and accountability gems to stay motivated.

Sharing my fitness guide with the world was me sharing myself. Doing so also gave me clarity that it’s happening. Everything that I’ve strived for along this journey is happening right in front of me and working in my favor. I can only think to myself in this moment “I’m doing what I’m suppose to be doing.”


  • $20 – #BeautiffullGainz Guide – Total Body Gainz Edition

Contact Info:

  • Email:
  • Instagram: @beautiffullgainz
  • Facebook: Beautiffull Gainz
  • Twitter: @beautiffullgnz

Image Credit:
March 11th Productions

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