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Conversations with Grace Posey

Hi Grace, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
From the time I was a little girl, storytelling fascinated me. I adored listening to tales told by my maternal aunt, who to this day is my favorite storyteller of all. It wasn’t until elementary school that I fell in love with writing, specifically. I realized it was the perfect medium for me to tell my stories my way. At ten years old, I had a wonderful teacher who encouraged me to submit a short story that I wrote for publication in an anthology, and wouldn’t you know it, it got chosen! My story was published in the 2006 edition of the Anthology of Short Stories by Young Americans. That was a huge moment in my life. The joy I got from seeing my work appear in a book is something I will never forget, and in many ways, it set me on my path today. I decided to pursue writing seriously after taking a creative writing course at San Jacinto College. That led me to attend the University of Houston, which I graduated from in 2019 with a BA in English and a concentration in Creative Writing. During college, I started the manuscript of my first novel–a young adult urban fantasy that had been rolling around in my head for years. After I finished school, I worked as an assistant manager at a local cafe in the Heights and worked on my manuscript in my spare time. It was a fine situation, but then things changed when my grandmother–who was more like a parent to me–passed away in December of 2019. Experiencing that loss really put life into perspective for me. I realized we only have a limited number of years on this earth, and I didn’t want to waste mine doing anything else but what I was passionate about: writing. I quit my job and dived into my novel full-time, and in May of 2020, I finished my first draft. It was one of the most fulfilling days of my life. From the first time I held the full manuscript in my hands, I could see all my hard work paying off. I knew then and there I was doing exactly what I was meant to do. Now, five months later, I have just completed the fourth draft of my novel and am ready to take the next step toward publication.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
The road to writing a novel is the exact opposite of smooth. It’s bumpy, has some unexpected turns, and is full of potholes. I’ve often heard that stories tend to take a life of their own as you write them, and that is entirely true. There were moments when I thought I knew exactly what I was doing, but before I could blink, my next chapter would take me in a completely different direction. It was frustrating sometimes because I am a huge planner, so I had to learn to really trust the process and let go of some creative control. But what I’ve realized now is that once you reach a goal in any creative endeavor, you’ll look back and realize it was all worth it. More than worth it. Because it’s thanks to the good and bad days that you made it where you are now, and that is an exciting place to be.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I am a Houston born and raised aspiring young adult author. Earlier this month, I completed the final draft of my first novel and am now ready to take the next steps toward publication. I hate comparing myself to others because there are a ton of quality writers in this world. Like many of them, I have training in the craft and understand the essential ingredients it takes to make a great story. However, what I bring to the table that I believe is special is my passion and dedication to my work. I have dreamed of being an author since I was ten years old, and now I am determined to make my dreams my reality. Some people may think I’m out of my mind to bet my future on a career in the arts, but I think it would be even crazier of me to settle for a life isn’t fulfilling. What’s that old saying? Oh, right. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”

What quality or characteristic do you feel is most important to your success?
Passion and discipline. Without either, it would be impossible to be successful in any creative field, let alone writing. Setbacks and rejections are an inevitable part of the process, so you have to want it bad enough to not let those things stop you from pushing forward. At the same time, you have to be disciplined enough to keep going even on the days you would rather watch TV or sleep in. You can’t always wait for the inspiration fairy to sprinkle you with magic dust. To get results, you have to put in the work.

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Image Credits
Samantha Corral of The Photo Corral Photography

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