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Life & Work with Amber Nicole

Today we’d like to introduce you to Amber Nicole.

Amber Nicole, a soul/R&B artist from Houston, Texas is making her staple in the music industry like never before. Her original sound, stemming from her background of soul, gospel & funk, exudes from her dynamic artistry. This is the introduction of her soon to come EP “Soul Cry” that tells her riveting, heartfelt and complex life journey through the sweet sounds of her R&B/Soul style. At the early age of 16, she landed her debut TV opportunity on season 5 of NBC’s “The Voice” making it to the top 20 contestants left and has been unstoppable since. Later, she was given the opportunity to sing the National Anthem in her hometown of Houston for the 2014 & 2015 NBA Playoff-Games for the Rockets. Empowered from her experience with celebrity coaches and talents alike, she carried her talents to New York City; teaching musical theatre at Harlem School of The Arts, singing background for A-list celebrity artists, performing on the legendary Saturday Night Live stage and later releasing her debut single “Vibe You Need.” With a heart & drive for her rising in the industry, she continues to tell her story through her gift of creating and singing.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
My journey has been a blessed one, but it’s never been too easy. It takes mental work to put out your personal creations. But it takes more heart than anything to keep going and to not give up despite rejection & discouragement. You have to want it beyond the downfalls. It has to mean more. I feel I’ve never lost the passion for what I do and that’s what makes my ride worthwhile.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I am a professional singer, an independent contractor, Vocal Coach, and performance teacher. I am most proud of my accomplishments on major tv gigs like The Voice, SNL, BGV’s on Shawn Mendes’ album & Netflix documentary. I am also most proud of the courage I’ve built to create my original music. Performing is easy, but that personal work was tough to overcome & I did it. I’ve seen my gifts make room for me time and time again. And each time, I’m being brought higher. I’m grateful for these platforms.

In terms of your work and the industry, what are some of the changes you are expecting to see over the next five to ten years?
I see myself being a household name and creating music for this entire world and appealing to all people and healing the world with my music.

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Image Credits
All photographed by: Hope Obadan Art work: Eunice Kindred

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