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Hidden Gems: Meet Emilio Gallardo of NLTR Studios

Today we’d like to introduce you to Emilio Gallardo.

Hi Emilio, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
Hey everybody! My name is Emilio Gallardo! I’m a 22-year-old photographer & creative director for NLTR Studios. I began my journey in photography back in 2016 when I suffered a near-death experience when I caught an illness that almost took my life when I was 15 about to become 16. I spent my 16th birthday dying in a hospital bed alone, and with my family by my side wondering if their son/brother was gonna make it. In those days of being alone and feeling as if I’m gonna see my last days ahead of me. I had realized so much. I felt as if I hadn’t done enough for myself and I was about to fail everyone around me, I hadn’t even lived a full life yet. I was an athlete my whole life I was trying to go Division 1 in Soccer and all I knew was letting my emotions and feeling out on the field. Once I got out of the hospital that dream was put on hold because I had to recover, I had gone from being a stocky & well-built jock to a super scrawny and skinny teenager. That ate my self-confidence and self belief so much I had lost myself in my thoughts. I didn’t have an outlet anymore and one of my friends at the time Drake Championball was a photographer here in the underground Houston scene. He had learned about what happened to me and reached out and invited me out to go shoot some street photography with him.

This was my first time ever going on a photo shoot and I asked my mom if she had an extra camera that she didn’t use. She said “Claro mijo!” she was so happy that I was finally going out for the first time since I had left the hospital. She lent me her old Canon T1i that she used for our old family trips and that’s when my eyes glistened with joy. I was ecstatic to use it and that day Drake taught me something I would cherish for the rest of my life. I had learned that I had a new passion for something creative. I was never good at drawing or art to be exact but whenever I got to touch a camera I felt like an actual artist! I had found a way to express my feelings and show the world how I actually felt without ever having to speak a word about myself or even feel weak for expressing how I felt as a man. I’m Mexican and I come from a pretty traditional family, where machismo is the only way a man could be seen. In most Hispanic/Latin cultures if you open up about your emotions then those around you would ridicule you or look down on you for being “weak”. So that’s why I used sports to be that outlet for me but now that I had found photography I said to hell with it!

I knew I was misunderstood and I guess I just always wanted a voice for myself. In my photography, I draw inspiration from films, music, heritage, and my emotions to make my work. I’ve always felt the need to convey emotion and have my viewers feel something whenever they see my art. My work is very intimate with me because it’s not just some “dope, trendy… content ” or some hobby I did to look cool or even for money. This is really me pouring my soul into my work, my captions are me sharing my real experiences with the world. I know people go through the same things & even feel the same way as myself so I try to make art for those just like myself. For those that always felt the obligation to help others before themselves, people that sacrifice their own happiness for the well-being of everyone around them, and try to do everything with love & genuine intentions, and for those who just never had a voice.

Now almost 6 years into this career I’ve inspired friends, family, and complete strangers to go out and pick up a camera and to even pursue something that they actually enjoy and love. I’ve had people that resonate with my work on an intimate level because they can actually feel, relate & in a way understand who I am as a person. I’ve always said with my photography it’s been bigger than just money, fame, and status. It’s a way to connect to the masses and be able to inspire those around you. My bestfriend Nawaf just became a photographer in 2020 whenever I had moved back from playing division 1 soccer & attenting school out in New Jersey to Houston. I had seen a spark in his eyes that reminded me alot of myself back in 2016 and I could see he actually had a love for this. His passion and interest in it actually saved me from giving up on photography. Ever since then I’ve taught him everything I know! He’s learned almost 5-6 years of experience in less than 2 years and man, he’s amazing!

Being the one that’s able to inspire & motivate those around you is something I’ve always striven to be. I remember the days I didn’t have an OG to look after me and teach me right from wrong. I had to learn everything on my own, mistake after mistake. That’s why I always try to be the person I wish I had whenever I was younger. This mentality has helped me find true friendships and business relationships that will last the test of time. Such as NLTR Studios, it’s a media production collective built of musicians, producers, designers, photographers, and videographers all striving for the same goal of uplifting each other’s work, collaborating to create art, music, and highlight the talent that we have through singular talents and bring them together under one umbrella to support and uplift each other. In a city like Houston where there is so much envy and hate were trying to do something that’s only seen in cities like NY, LA, and ATL.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
Not at all its been hell & back for me as a photographer. I’ve had the opportunity to work with some amazing and talented folks that appreciate the work that we make together and other that just used me & taken advantage of me for what I have to offer. I always try to do my best to see the best in people and when it comes to working with others its usually hard because of past experiences but I don’t allow the past to influence my future business ventures and relationships. I strive to be able to create with like minded individuals and creatives that aspire to not just be the best but the greatest ever to ever do it. I’ve travelled the world & back capturing experiences, friends, places and my life through my lenses just trying to share my perspective. Some struggles I’ve had are being able to understand the business aspect of this career and being able to differentiate beneficial mutual relationships, to being taken advantage of by artists & people who just want to be successful no matter what the cost is, or if it means they use other for their own benefit. There are sleepless nights where I go hungry and just wonder if my work is good enough and not wanting to share any work because of my self-doubt and lack in self-confidence at times. I also struggle with being consistent with projects at times because I don’t feel personally invested and I’m not the type of person to sell out for any amount of money or status no matter what the project could be.

I’ve always stood 10 toes on the things I believe and tried to uphold those beliefs in everyone around me. That’s why I only try to work with people I have personal connections with and if it’s contract work where someone is interested in hiring me I try to see if we align whenever it comes to our work/visions. I’ve always done good business with all my clients and give them the best & most exciting shooting experience possible. My clients understand that when you shoot with me it’ll open your eyes to a whole new world and it’s an unforgettable experience!

Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
NLTR Studios stands for “NOT LIKE THE REST ” we are a creative media production collective, comprised of musicians, models, photographers, producers, and designers all from the greater Houston area. I’m one of the head creative directors when it comes to the aesthetics and visions of projects such as our photoshoots, music videos, and any creative projects that we decide to work on. Our mission as a collective is to uplift each others work and highlight everything that each of us do solely and be able to mash it together so we can all work collectively and be able to mix and mash all of our talents together to be able to produce culturally influential pieces of art whether that be photography, music videos, short films, music, or even clothes. We have so much in store and I personally can’t wait to show you guys. We made a promise to each other that we’d support and uplift ourselves through sharing and promoting each others work, soon we’ll be throwing events, shows and art galleries to highlight our individual greatness & collective brilliance. We’re always striving to create iconic, and nostalgic pieces of work that represent our true selves, and speak to the masses on a personal level that they can empathize & connect with. We create from real life experiences and things we’ve been through so in a sense everything we create is a piece of each and everyone of us as a whole. We just hope you enjoy the work, understand us as creatives, and as people!

The members of NLTR comprise of

Don Emiliano: Head creative director/photographer for NLTR
Don Nawaf: One of the best photographers from the Houston area & Co-creative director for NLTR!
Benni Draco, A musical artist, creative, model, fashionista & a Founder of NLTR!
Suslando: One of the craziest, and best up & coming videographers from Houston & a Founder of NLTR!
Mase Dolo: A musical artist & creative model, fashionista & a Founder of NLTR!
JP: A beautiful model/artistic muse!
Ky: A Crazy talented musical artist & producer!
Jules: A talented up & coming musical artist!
JB: Head creative designer for clothes/graphic designer!
Cole Alexander: One of the illest DJ’s & producers coming out of Texas right now!

With this team of talented and amazing individuals, we’ll be taking over the world real soon! Hope you guys enjoy the history that’s about to be made and we can’t wait to share everything that’s coming!

How can people work with you, collaborate with you or support you?
If anybody is interested in inquiring about work or a photoshoot let that be concepts, editorials, brand look books, weddings, or any kind of media work you all can contact me through Instagram: @don_emiliano_gallardo or Twitter: @emiliogallard I’ll soon be having a website that everyone will be able to contact me through in the near future but until then, I’ll be able to respond in 24-48 hours after you’ve messaged me. Ways you can support me at the moment is by booking me for a shoot to help me fund my creative endeavors! You all could also like, comment, save and share my work all over social media so that I can get more amazing and beautiful eyes to see my art! Also don’t forget to tell your family, friends, and lovers to get at me for all your creative needs! I love working with new faces and seeing new places so let’s get to work!

Contact Info:

  • Email:
  • Instagram: @don_emiliano_gallardo
  • Twitter: @emiliogallard

Image Credits
Don Nawaf (@don_nawaffff)

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