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Check Out Conrad “Basil” Davis III’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Conrad “Basil” Davis III.

Hi Basil, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
Since I could remember I’ve had problematic skin and in my teenage years, things took a turn for the worst. Unlike most teenagers, I wasn’t stressed with having acne and pimples but dry, sometimes achy, “raised” skin. My initial thought was eczema after being diagnosed years ago in grade school. Although my current flare up somewhat resembled the ones before, I knew this one was more than eczema (Atopic Dermatitis). After a few doctors, specialists, and biopsy I was able to get a conclusive answer and was now diagnosed with tinea versicolor. Over the years I was prescribed many steroidal topical creams in hopes of alleviating or controlling the issue with no prevail. I’ve tried prescription drugs, OTC, and almost everybody’s lotion or cream that was advertised as to “heal dry skin”. This went on for many years until one day in 2019 I decided to take matters into my own hands and started researching and crafting homemade natural products for my personal use.

“Black And Spiritually Derived” (BASD) originated as a representation of myself and helped jump-start a personal spiritual journey that assisted in making me and the brand into what it is today. “BASD” is a homegrown self-care brand that specializes in creating handmade-natural products that not only nurture the skin but promote healthier habits. While the goal is to preserve or improve one’s overall health through the use of cosmetic goods, aromatherapy, and tips/tricks learned; BASD also strives to encourage continuous practice for the sake of becoming the best version of yourself.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
As smooth as butter, lol… The road hasn’t been smooth BY FAR, but I am a firm believer that what doesn’t kill you only makes you strong. I started BASD late October in 2019 and a few months later the world was flooded with the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only was I furloughed and was out of work for the first time, but I was also embarking on a new spiritual journey, attempting to build a business, and remain sane at the same time was a true test. This was a nightmare for most and mental health really became a priority of mine during this time. Along with everything else, before the 2022 New Year, my family lost a grandmother, but it wasn’t all bad. These struggles allowed me the space to self-reflect and grow.

Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I have been an RDA (Registered Dental Assistant) in the state of Texas since 2015 and currently fill the 9-5 time slot in my schedule with being a Lead Orthodontic Assistant. I have done just about all positions in the dental back office, and I love doing what I do oddly enough. It’s not as common to find male assistants let alone ones of African descent. Dentistry just as entrepreneurship was not my first career choice. Initially, I wanted to go into nursing and started my training as a Patient Care Tech. Before patient care tech, I was taking up pre-pharmacy courses. Upon completing my PCT training, I was a young 19 y.o. who was looking for any work and applied for an entry-level opportunity at a dentist’s office. Having no experience, I was hired solely on my previous employment history and within 3 months went from cleaning instruments to being licensed by the state. Health care has always been a passion of mine and I use a lot of what I’ve learned from caring for patients into caring and creating for customers. Despite anything else, I genuinely practice what I preach while putting love and care into all things I do.

What do you like and dislike about the city?
I am a born and raised Houston native and I wouldn’t change that for the world. My city is so full of life and culture. From the music and museums to the architecture and activities. Houston helped birth me to be the man that I am today, and I never feel like I’ve seen enough of it. The city is packed with talent and creatives which leaves little to dislike besides the traffic.

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Image Credits
Cydney Boudreaux
Maritere Rice Photography

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