Today we’d like to introduce you to Jessica Trevino.
Hi Jessica, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
I never had a plan, I dropped out of high school and started waitressing when I was 17 years old. I met my son’s amazing dad sometime after, we became best friends until we built our relationship in 2018. Soon after, I quit my job at Texas Roadhouse and that was my last job, I found out I was pregnant on my 20th birthday! I had my son in 2020 right after COVID hit. I had no friends and my whole family lived 2 hours away. I hardly had any human interaction, I started battling postpartum depression. My son, Angel Grey, was just 4 months old when I decided I could no longer feel that way, I needed a reason to feel worth something. I told my boyfriend that I wanted to get a camera and get into photography and he supported me all the way through. We didn’t have a lot of money at the time so we found me an affordable camera on Facebook marketplace. I started handing out free photoshoots like candy, just to practice and get my name out there. I was no good in my eyes and I had no idea that people would actually support me. Fast forward to today, a year and a half later, I’m running a successful business that I never thought would take off. I still have so much room to grow and learn but I am so blessed to have made it this far. I couldn’t have done it alone. My son, his daddy, my family, and every supporter are the reason I am where I am today. It’s definitely not easy, but it is worth it!
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Definitely not. I think every business has it’s challenges, some harder/easier than others. When I first started, I had no idea what I was doing nor how to even talk to people anymore, I was so antisocial. I basically threw myself to the wolves not even knowing where it might’ve taken me. At the time we only had one vehicle so sometimes I wouldn’t even know how I was going to get to a session. Since I didn’t have any family near, I didn’t know who could babysit my son so I started taking him with me until it became too much. Thankfully my mom moved close to us and now keeps him for us when his daddy can’t. Once I did start getting business, I started traveling to clients from Port Lavaca to Houston. I would book up to 7 sessions a day in Houston with no breaks in between. I lived exactly 2 hours away so I would leave my house at 8am and not be back home until 10pm, my body was drained. It took a toll on me missing out on my family so much. I knew I needed to start offering something that people wanted and that people would travel to me for so I set up a home studio in my son’s little bedroom and took off from there. My little business soon started to grow and we weren’t comfortable bringing so many people into our home so I needed a studio. I booked 40 Mother’s Day minis and I knew there was no way I could bring that many people to my house so I found a suite in a commercial building. I had 4 days to paint the whole thing and move in before my minis, with only my boyfriend’s help. We stayed till 2am most nights painting and moving things in, I would’ve been lost without him.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I’m a photographer, I specialize in all things motherhood. I’m most known for maternity. 6 months into my business I decided maternity was meant for me and I no longer wanted to work with seniors/families/children of course with the exception of maternity. I now offer mommy and me sessions as well but I have zero interest in anything else. My main goal is to show every woman that it’s okay to love yourself during and after pregnancy. Motherhood is hard, probably one of the hardest things we women endure. I want every woman to feel beautiful in their skin, no matter the shape or size. We are all beautiful. I am most proud of myself because this business and all of the women I have met over this period of time, have really shaped me into the amazing woman I am today. I radiate positivity, confidence, and love to anyone that I cross paths with.
Where do you see things going in the next 5-10 years?
We never know what God has in store for us, so I’m going to follow his plan and know that no matter where my business lands in 5-10 years, that’s where it was meant to be.
Contact Info:
- Email: greysphotography@outlook.com
- Website: https://greysphotos.mypixieset.com/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greysphotographs/