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Inspiring Conversations with Cassie B. of Cassie’s Cure: Self-Care & Wellness

Today we’d like to introduce you to Cassie B.

Hi Cassie, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
Cassie’s Cure: Self-Care & Wellness started off as a self-reflection blog. I had just finished obtaining my bachelor’s degree from CSU San Bernardino and moved to Houston, TX to start my Master’s program. I was fresh out of an emotionally toxic relationship and I needed a safe space to share my feelings outside of therapy. So I began blogging. It was then that I noticed many women telling me that my content was so relatable and they wished they handled things the way that I did. In undergraduate school, I was also a program coordinator so creating events was easy for me. Outside of work, I would always plan small DIY events for my friends and I to do and then one day a friend of my told me that I should turn what I am doing into a business. She said, “girl, I know so many women that would pay for this, your little get-togethers are always fun, relaxing, and we really have good conversations”. I brushed it off that night but later on the thought crossed my mind. I don’t see too many people in my area having wellness retreats, having deep discussions about self-care, self-acceptance, self-confidence and self-love”. And that was what pretty much made me decide to get serious about it. I told myself, if I am going to create something like this, I want it to be a safe and non-judgmental place for people to come process their emotions, vent, and learn new ways to love themselves better and choose themselves first. I want people to become more comfortable in their own skin. To learn how to embrace their insecurities and their mistakes. This is what I needed and this is what I want to give. Hence the play on words Cassie’s Cure. It’s for others but it’s also for me. To be able to now offer wellness retreats, self-care coaching, and self-love workshops and webinars and create the community I always needed leaves me in awe. I am living out my passions and I would not change this for anything in the world.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back, would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
I’d say the most challenging part about running this business is being a first-generation entrepreneur. I am learning as I go and sometimes I get a little frustrated because I don’t know as much as I think I should know. However, with my focus being self-care, I have learned to be patient with my journey. I will learn what I need to learn when I need to learn it. I think one of the biggest things I’ve overcome is imposter syndrome. When you don’t see people who look like you doing what you are doing, you can easily start to doubt yourself. But I’ve learned not to listen to my doubt. I’ve learned to listen to my audience and remember why I wanted to embark on this journey in the first place. I love doing what I want to do. I love when I hear my clients and my audience tells me “Wow Cassie, you have no idea how much I needed this”.

As you know, we’re big fans of Cassie’s Cure: Self-Care & Wellness. For our readers who might not be as familiar, what can you tell them about the brand?
Cassie’s Cure is a self-care and wellness brand that focuses on teaching women how to love themselves better and choose themselves first through wellness retreats, self-care coaching, and wellness webinars and events. I teach people how to overcome their fears, doubts, worries, and insecurities. How to embrace who they are and go after the peaceful lifestyle they deserve. I help people build the courage to make changes in their lives that will allow them to sleep better at night and feel more comfortable in their own skin. I help people see the beauty in themselves and in their journey (even the ugly parts). Aside from running my own Self-Care & Wellness business. I am a Higher Education professional. I work on a college campus as a Resident Director and I get to teach and supervise students who live in the Residence Halls on campus. I would say my most proudest accomplishment from this job is when I see my students who are applying for jobs and graduate school come back and tell me that they got the job or they got into their top program and they believe it’s because I helped them. I love helping people get to their next step. Whether it be mentally, emotionally, physically, or academically, I LOVE IT! What set’s me apart from others is how genuine I am. I don’t seek things for personal gain. I genuinely love to help people live their best lives. People always tell me how I help them believe in themselves, how I make them want to go after things in life, how I encourage them to heal, or I teach them how to become more comfortable in their own skin and I love this because this is all I truly want for people. I saw this missing in me and I hated the way it looked so when I think of others possibly experiencing that, it saddens me. We deserve to love and be loved. We deserve to be comfortable in our own skin.

Is there any advice you’d like to share with our readers who might just be starting out?
I would say to remember why you wanted to do this in the first place. A lot of people start things and quit when they don’t see instant results. But if there’s anything I want to encourage folks to do, it’s to never give up on their dreams. We live in a time where instant gratification is what’s hot! But there is nothing like putting in the work to be able to live a life doing what you love.

When you don’t know where to start, ask for help. When you don’t know who to ask, ask google! There has been plenty of days I’d have to search things up online just to get a better understanding. You cannot give up on your dreams just because you don’t understand the journey.

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