Today we’d like to introduce you to Ciro Flores.
Hi Ciro, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
My passion for art began at the age of six in Honduras, Central America where I was born. Before I could read or write, I was sketching images out of newspapers, magazines, and comic books. I found stories in the imagery and discovered that I could retell those stories in my own voice.
Stylistically, my work is influenced by the color and simple imagery of Honduran folk art but reflects the social situations and events of contemporary life. Easily distracted by the mundane, I find myself sketching while at work meetings, sifting through the newspaper, or while bored at a bar. The paintings that I create from these situations usually begin as meeting agendas, newspaper articles, or cocktail napkins, thereby adding another layer to the story.
Just as I did in Honduras as a child, as long as I have a pen or pencil, I paint on anything. At the moment I am dealing with a bout of breast cancer, this is my second bout with cancer in 17 years. Both times it has affected the work I produce. I have noticed the necessity to create even thou the sickness drains everything out of me. I have exhibited my work in galleries in Honduras, Texas, Nashville, and The United Kingdom. My work is in included in a private collection in Texas, Louisiana, New York, Tennessee, California, Florida, and Honduras.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
This is a difficult question to answer as I think it’s very subjective. I think for most artists creating art is not difficult.
We have an innate desire to create, and it makes us extremely happy to do so. I think the difficult part is getting others to appreciate what we create as artists. For me, creating work is most times easy and I have been successful at exhibiting my work on my own. Finding a gallery that sees the value and has the desire to exhibit my work has been difficult. Most galleries don’t want to take a chance on new artists.
Alright so before we go can you talk to us a bit about how people can work with you, collaborate with you or support you?
I can be reached via social media on Facebook and Instagram or can be reached via email at Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ciro.flores.758. Instagram:@ciroflores1209. Email: info@cirofloresart.com. My webpage: www.cirofloresart.com.
- small paintings: $200-600 Depending on Medium and complexity
- Medium Paints $800-2200 Depending on Medium and complexity
- Large Painting $4000 – 10000 Depending on Medium and complexity
- Commissions pricing can be discussed Depending on Medium and complexity
Contact Info:
- Website: www.cirofloresart.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ciroflores1209/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ciro.flores.758