Today we’d like to introduce you to Chris Light.
Hi Chris, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
I always had an interest in electronics, my father was a hobbyist computer builder from their inception. So, I played with computers from a very young age. My uncle worked for GE for twenty five plus years fixing Cat-scans. Around the time I was nearing college, he started his own company. He said if I graduated from DeVry, he would help me get a job in the medical field fixing CTs. So, I went to DeVry in Tinley Park, IL. Due to a non-compete, he was doing business in Texas, and as the company grew, they needed help. So, he offered me a job if I moved to Houston. I took him up on the offer, and lived with him for about eight months while he taught me the job. I worked for his company Polaris Medical Imaging for about seven years. Polaris was probably one of the, if not the biggest third party GE repair company in Texas. I think the last customer list I saw; I had worked at over one hundred centers from San Antonio to Louisiana on up to Dallas, and as far south as Corpus Christi. They sold the Company to large national company on the up and up, I worked for them for about two years. I started my company on December 23rd, 2016. I was fortunate to have been in the industry for quite some time and was well known for being a top tier GE Field Service Engineer. I trained people, I had became kind of a GE specialist. A lot of people cross train, but there is a lot to these machines. It is really hard to know every OEM. Jack of all, master of none as they say. So, I trained on the single slice GE CTs from roughly 25-28 years ago. I know pretty much every flavor of GE CT from then til now, inside and out. Minus the newest tech on lockdown still with GE. I just completed my Sixth full year of business. I have roughly 40-50 customers in the Houston area. I am well trusted in the industry, So I subcontract on harder issues that other companies are having a hard time to fix. It has been quite the journey; every year has been better than the last. I look forward to continuing to help Houston save lives.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
Mostly, I attribute that to the good Lord. I was terminated from my previous employer for refusing to sign a non-compete on December 23rd, 2016, so I bought my business license with my credit card and applied at every major OEM. I was fortunate that my company took off before I was totally bankrupt. I had no idea where my next check would come from, and I had no money saved along with plenty of debt. I quickly maxed out cards, fell behind on bills/rent. Somehow in the most unpredictable ways. Like an unexpected last check from that company, one job for the company at the end of Jan 2017. I think by the end of April I maybe did three jobs. Then I met with another service company, and started doing contract work for them, and slowly people who already knew my name were hearing I had started a company. Due to lawsuits, I could not just approach customers I had previously known. I had to hope they found me.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I would say I am most proud of making it through that brutal first 6 months. I do not think I have ever been so petrified in my entire life, it’s amazing I didn’t go bald! I have made a point of knowing the GE Ct the best I can. I have been approached by much larger companies to try to get me to train their crews, or teach classes.
I can thank my Uncle Rob Maly for that. He believed in me, and in my opinion, he is one of the best GE CT engineers in the world. He has travelled the world literally fixing CTs.
I am an odd duck, very versatile. I have always been a great athlete. I played football in a league as a kid, the coaches wanted me to play on the football and wrestling teams, but money always fascinated me more. I taught myself to day trade, that is kind of my second job, I guess. I was always a decent writer/artist. I also love video games, played magic the gathering. I am quite well rounded.
I have been very blessed in life.
- I charge $275 an hour
- I consult for free, I highly recommend calling me if you are looking into purchasing GE equipment
Contact Info:
- Website: LightCTSolutions.com
- Instagram: @lightct_solutions
- Facebook: Don’t care for FB
- Other: Minds.com @chrislight31