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Meet Stepfone Montgomery of MSS Strategic Partners

Today we’d like to introduce you to Stepfone Montgomery.

Stepfone Montgomery

Hi Stepfone, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story? 
Many years ago, I started as a coach cleaner for the Long Island Railroad in NYC. After 2 years, I then became a rail traffic controller for the same organization. One of my buddies invited me to his wedding, and I noticed all the managers and executives were at this wedding. The reason being was that my buddy’s father was an executive. Being young and only 25 years old at the time, I realized that this is how the game is played. It was like a light bulb moment. (Incidentally, I have those light bulb moments only a few times.) Who you associate with determines where you end up in life. Which helped me develop the saying your Network is your Net worth. 

From that point forward, I understood the value of networking. Building relationships with individuals and showing those individuals the value, you bring to their life, whether personal or in business. 

I am happy to say that my hard work, coupled with my networking, allowed me to retire from the MTA (Metropolitain Transporation Agency) many years later as Vice President and Chief officer. 

After retiring, I went to work in the private industry. I started working for a large A/E firm, but no matter whether I was working for a public agency or a private firm, the same song was played “Small businesses have had a difficult time connecting with larger companies commonly referred to as primes. Then the primes would say the same thing, we have a difficult time finding qualified diverse businesses”. 

That’s how I started my company MSS Strategic Partners, a business recruitment firm. 

We all face challenges, but looking back, would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Nothing worthwhile is easily attainable, whether it’s personal or business. My first challenge was working for an organization that was not minority friendly. I was able to overcome it, but it was challenging at times. Even though, in many cases, I was more qualified than some of my colleagues, I still was held back. I kept my eyes on the prize and never complained or let my work slip. I was very determined to be successful. Even though some tried to hold me back, others saw what I had to offer and helped me move forward. 

A mentor told me a few years ago that one of the things he liked about me was that whenever a door was shut, I always found respectful a way around it. 

I have always relish in that statement. 

Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
MSS Strategic Partners is a business recruitment firm connecting large corporations with small and diverse businesses in the infrastructure industry, specializing in the transportation, water, and energy sectors. We vet and source qualified business to ensure they are equipped and viable to work on big infrastructure contracts. We build relationships, and we want both sides to win. 

What set us apart is our software, BZ One. BZ one is our proprietary software, which allows large corporations and other businesses to select qualified companies to partner with on various projects. We are proud that we have the only software in the industry that presents a company in the most comprehensive way. 

I want all your readers to know there are many opportunities in the infrastructure industry and that our software can be customized for any industry, whether large or small. 

Do you have recommendations for books, apps, blogs, etc.?
Here are some books that help: Emotional Intelligence 2.0 

Atomic Habits by James Clear 

These are a few podcasts that I listen to: 

The Ramsey Show 

Karlton Dennis 

I am starting my own podcast October 16, 2023 – The Million Dollar Business Podcast 

Contact Info:

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