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Meet Amaya Lee of North Houston

Today we’d like to introduce you to Amaya Lee

Amaya, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
Well, I started braiding hair when I was eight or nine years old. it became a great hobby, and I turned it into a passion. I would look up YouTube videos and figure out how to braid different types of braids. So as the years went on, I eventually really liked braiding hair because I’ve picked up the habit of watching my mom do my sister hair when I was younger so it automatically became fascinating when I realized “hey, I could do something like that too.” I remember for Christmas. My mom bought me a manikin head that you would usually find at a beauty supply store and I would practice different braids like corn rolls, Plaits, pretty much anything I could get my hands on. Then I realized I was getting really, really, really good at this, so it was a surprise that I got signed up for braiding class and it was only about a week which was OK because it was still a great experience especially for me being you know, barely a preteen at the time, I asked my braiding coach. “Hey, how do I do a knotless braid?” And ever since I learned how to perfect that knotless braid, my whole business started blooming I entered a new chapter in my life from doing family members heads to people at school even random strangers everyone has such different personalities, and as a person working in customer service, it is so great to learn that everyone is different, which is something that we need in the world? I couldn’t imagine living in a world where everyone was the same no diversity I could never. But in all this to see the journey was never easy at all. There was things that I struggle with, and I still do struggle with to this day learning how to break open out my shell, and even gaining more clientele so as a young entrepreneur, my advice is this you are never too young to make a change whether it’s in the hair industry entrepreneur ship business there’s always something you can do to start early
And don’t be afraid to show people how amazing you can be.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
It was never easy from the start. I used to struggle with just trying to part the hair right making sure that everything was neat. Was my number one priority I didn’t care if it took me 12 hours to do one braid if the braiding look right to me, I will take it out and redo it, that was my main concept at the time. Yes it did take me hours to do basically half ahead and we probably have to finish the other half in the morning but I just wanted to make sure everything was perfect. That was my main goal and I still struggle with it to this day you know there’s things that I see that most people won’t see because you know people think my work is perfect and beautiful but I see the imperfections so it pains me that I’m trying to fix it while I’m you know trying to perfect my craft and there was lots of people that play me like a fiddle they would act like they were going to come and they didn’t come act like you know I wasn’t worth the price I would tell them so it was a lot of trouble with you know being assertive with my own business so I really had to grasp the concept of. Hey this is your business your money you were spending your time in your effort to give them what they want from you you have to take charge you can’t let people run over you just because you’re young.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
Well, I’m pretty much known for doing everything. everything to me is a hustle. I’m an athlete, entrepreneur, and a Hair braider. Yes, it is a lot to handle but I know I can do it and I’m proving myself every day that everything you do is worth it every step that I take moving forward is another gateway to greatness and success. I do sometimes feel I’m not putting in the work and effort into what I do, but I can never nativity affect me because if it affects me, it affects my work my attitude, my everything I am very very proud of everything that I’ve done in myself. I’ve been able to make money by myself become possibly a great athlete in the future and do hair I’ve never seen or heard anyone do at least half of what I do and I Thing else to my plate.

Can you talk to us a bit about happiness and what makes you happy?
What makes me happy is being able to be myself I used to hide myself from who I really was just so I can fit in with people and I would be very very sensitive of losing friends or associates but pretty much anyone who didn’t like me I always felt sad in some type of way, but I had to learn that not everyone is going to like you. You might have the best personality in the world and someone who does not like you, so I learned that when I am myself I make other people come out of their shells. I’ll give that comfort feeling that OK she’s a safe person. I feel comfortable to let my true colors come out instead of being someone that I’m not and when I see other people happy, I’m happy so being happy is my favorite thing because you never know when you’re brighten up someone’s day

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