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Life & Work with Aubrey Etue of The Woodlands

Today we’d like to introduce you to Aubrey Etue.

Aubrey Etue

Hi Aubrey, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
It all started when I went back to my home state of Michigan to help a family friend open a new restaurant. My friend had bought a camera and wanted to take it to a local state park to test it out. The second she put that camera in my hand, it was over. I was in love. There was something about capturing the beauty of not just my surroundings, but also my friend, that made me want to pursue it as a career. Fast forward to 2019 I was working at a body shop, saving up money to buy my first camera, when my boss surprised me with my first DSLR camera. From there I took pictures of anyone who would let me. It wasn’t until Winter of 2022 that I shot my first Boudoir session. My client had just found out she had been cheated on and wanted to do a session that made her feel beautiful again. We booked a warehouse studio in downtown Houston and spent two hours shooting what would become my launchpad for a new brand where I could focus entirely on boudoir and maternity photography. It became my life’s mission to make every woman that got in front of my camera, feel as beautiful as I see them. And that remains my goal today. I want to empower women to see the beauty in themselves exactly as they are.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
Anything worth having, doesn’t come easy. My journey is no exception. However, I am grateful for every challenge and road bump because it makes the successful times so much sweeter. I am no where near where I want to be but I thank God I have even made it this far. From personal struggles, to failing to bring in more clients at times, I have seen plenty of highs and lows but my passion to continue doing the thing that I love so much, is what drives me forward.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I specialize in Boudoir & Maternity photography. My goal is to make each woman, who gets in front of my camera, to walk away feeling like the strong, beautiful, goddess that I see them as. I’ve had so many previous clients tell me that they were “awkward” or didn’t feel pretty enough to take professional photos and that breaks my heart. Every single woman on this planet is beautiful for so many different reasons. If I can make a few of them actually believe that about themselves, then I have done my job.

What has been the most important lesson you’ve learned along your journey?
Creating art that I truly believe in. I had done a few weddings when I was first starting out, but the truth was, it brought me more stress than joy. I realized I wanted to create intimate and personal relationships with my clients that served a purpose beyond just taking photos. When I learned to listen to what spoke to me creatively, I was able to show up for my clients in real and authentic ways.


  • Maternity: Starting at $500
  • Boudoir Solo: Starting at $400
  • Boudoir Couples: Starting at $600
  • Milkbath Boudoir: Starting at $300
  • Creative Portraits: Starting at $300

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Image Credits

My personal photo was taken by Paul Blain Photography

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