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Meet Lilian Anguiano of Houston Heights/ Montrose

Today we’d like to introduce you to Lilian Anguiano

Lilian, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
From a very young age I knew I had an interest in the beauty industry when I began watching beauty influencers on YouTube. I taught myself how to braid my own hair and began practicing on my cousin’s hair. While I always loved working with hair, I always saw it more as a hobby. Once I graduated high school I decided to pursue something in the medical field due to feeling that my calling was to work in a field where I could help people. The medical field seemed like the most secure path I could take while also fulfilling my calling. While taking prerequisite classes to work towards being in the radiology field, I couldn’t help but question if that was really what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I continued to think about my desire to be creative while still interacting with a diversity of people on a day-to-day basis. So, I finally decided to enroll in beauty school.

I joined the cosmetology program at HCC. Within my first semester of classes everything clicked for me and I realized that my true calling was in doing hair. Due to COVID we had to follow a hybrid schedule, which prevented us from having a lot of hands-on experience at school. That is when I decided to look for a part time job at a hair salon to be able to gain experience behind the chair. I began working at my first hair salon as an apprentice/assistant. Immediately, I felt very indulged in the hair salon environment. I learned so much from working there just a few months. I was determined to absorb as much information as I could.

I knew very early on in beauty school that I wanted to learn how to treat and cut curly/textured hair. Due to me always seeing how my family members struggled to find a hairstylist that could provide what their curly hair needed. Once I graduated from beauty school and received my license, I started working at a different salon where they had stylists who specialized in curly hair. I was introduced to the beauty of curls and fell in love with seeing people’s faces light up as they would say “my curls have never looked this good”. I knew that was something I wanted to be able to provide for people, the feeling of learning to love your hair again. After a year of working at that salon, I decided to make the bold decision to move forward to become an independent hairstylist and transitioned to a booth rental salon.

At this point, my clientele was fairly small, so I was very unsure of how this journey would go. That is until one of my TikToks of the salon I worked at went (slightly) viral. My following on both Instagram and TikTok grew exponentially. From there my books began to fill up. I was in awe of how many people wanted to come sit in my chair and loved my work. I had a very successful first year as a booth rental hairstylist, which exceeded my expectations. Thanks to the high demand and support I am lucky enough to now have my own suite where me and another stylist named Julissa Aguilar now work together and create beautiful hair everyday. I have loved growing and creating my brand. Where anyone and everyone is welcomed, but most importantly also represents my latin culture which I am very proud of. I knew I wanted to create a space where people could finally feel comfortable trusting a hairstylist with their hair. I am extremely proud of how much my small business has grown within the last couple of years. I am excited to continue creating and growing with all of my cabezonas!

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
It has not been a super smooth road. During the early stages of my career when I worked as an apprentice/assistant. This can be a demanding role with a minimum wage salary. I did not mind doing the hard work if it meant I got the knowledge I felt I needed, but during that time I did have to make a hard decision of pausing my time working at a hair salon in order to be able to afford other financial responsibilities in my personal life. When working at the second salon, I felt as though I started from square one. I was starting a completely new apprenticeship program, which I felt set me back from my end goal of being a full time hairstylist. I felt stuck in the same place for two years. I felt I had hit a wall in the progression of my career because I was allowed only a limited amount of time to take guests and practice my craft. I felt in a catch-22 situation, where I had to bring in more guests in order to move up towards working full time behind the chair, but I couldn’t get people to come sit in my chair because apprentices were overshadowed by the more senior stylists at the salon.

When I finally decided to take the leap to be independent, that is when I had the most success with people knowing who I was and the type of work I am capable of offering. It was so fulfilling to finally be able to do the thing I love most all day everyday.

Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I am a hairstylist and specialize in layered haircuts and curly cuts. I also offer lived-in color services which are more natural color enhancements to the hair. The main thing people come to me for is the layered haircuts. This became my niche after I posted one or two layered haircuts on my Instagram. Guests slowly started coming to me and showing me those posts as their inspiration for their haircut. Over time I have worked to perfect it and really nail down the styling of the haircut which I believe is what sets me apart. It has become one of my favorite things to do.

Another thing people come to me a lot for is curly cuts. This is something I always knew I wanted to be good at, due to me noticing a high demand for it in the industry with a low amount of professionals to provide that. I have worked hard to make my curly cut services a complete experience, from the initial consultation going into detail about the history of their hair to what their dream hair looks like. I work with my guests to create a game plan to achieve their end goal. I work to support my guests along their entire hair journey from the cutting and shaping the hair, to the styling and educating them all through the service. I believe a combination of the effort I put into each client and the welcoming environment I have curated set me apart from others. I am intentional with my transparent communication I keep with my guests to help my guests feel confident and beautiful when leaving my chair.

Can you tell us more about what you were like growing up?
My parents always talk about what a chill and relaxed baby I was. As a 26 year old now, I would say they could still describe me that way. I’ve always been very patient, loving and sometimes shy. I’ve always loved art, in forms of music, beauty, photography, videography etc. I’ve always felt like a creative at heart. In high school I was in band and learned to appreciate music through a different lens. It also kept me united with my close friend group that I had since elementary school. Them and my girl cousins were a strong female connection I always kept near and dear to me due me growing up with two brothers. Whom, I love dearly. I felt that growing up with brothers and having a close relationship with my girl cousins helped me grow up with a diversity of social skills and strengths. I am a devoted and passionate person towards the special people in my life. Everyday I pour some of that into my craft, and hope it is felt with every head of hair that I have the privilege to touch.


  • Haircut-$90
  • Curly Cut-$125
  • Full Blonding Transformation-$430+

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Image Credits
Credits to: Rosemary Tovar @ The Vintage Portfolio

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