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Inspiring Conversations with Jess Morgan of Lady & Lion Co.

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jess Morgan

Hi Jess, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
I’m not sure how I started because I believe in my eternity as a soul. I’ve always been on a spiritual journey because it is THE journey we all are on as souls with bodies. I’ve been into esoterics and energy since I was a kid, but am a woman fascinated with the natural world and academia. If I could narrow it down, I’d say my awakening happened after I graduated college. I found a bald spot on my head one day that spiraled into my dark night of the soul, which is a chapter in the spiritual awakening process that involves the deepest part of one’s shadow. I went to some pretty dark places in consciousness where I felt no real value in being alive. I didn’t even recognize myself, quite literally, at all. I’d look in the mirror and just cry because I couldn’t identify with my face as my eyebrows, eyelashes, and hairline shed, patches at a time. I felt like a dog with mange. Losing my hair taught me so much about what actually matters in life. It stripped me of any vanity I had forming.

Over the years, I got more and more involved with energy. Though I was in the marketing field and tried starting multiple businesses, none stuck. After a few years of having my dream job that got to be too taxing, I quit on a whim which commenced the final stage of my spiritual awakening when my channeling gifts came online. Around that time, I was involved in meditative practices and had been reading the tarot on the weekends at my neighbor’s apartment over coffee. One day, she said, “You know Jess, you’re really good at this… maybe you should try and read at a shop or something.”
At the time I denounced it, but there was something about it that stuck with me. A few weeks later, I went to a metaphysical shop right around the corner from where I lived and asked if they needed a reader, and it was like the universe had been waiting for me to start reading tarot. My love for energy work only deepened. Shortly after that, I got a sound healing certification and grew a community of people at free sound healings I host. Then that morphed into me studying hypnosis and the science behind meditation, our energetic system, and brain function, and now here I am. A former marketing pro turned spiritual guide and healer.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
While I’ve had an incredibly privileged and blessed life, it has not been the most stable. My dark night of the soul in my early twenties followed an emotionally tumultuous adolescence that left me with deeply rooted codependency habits, abandonment wounds, and a sense of resentment toward responsibility. I ran from my health problems and masked myself in iced lattes, Netflix, and fancy food. I had five gig jobs, I was afraid to be alone because of my suicidal ideation. I was angry at the world, angry with God, and severely overstimulated. I didn’t understand my existence. I knew something had to change, so I decided to go back to where I was the happiest— Boston, where I had attended college. I held a garage sale, sold some stocks, bought a ticket, and found a sublease. I had given myself an ultimatum. If things didn’t work out in Boston, if I couldn’t get on my feet with a career, I was going to end it there so no one had to find me. I went to interview after interview and would ace it, but there would be absurd reasons I wouldn’t get the job. I was heartbroken. I didn’t want to end my life, but I craved relief from the stress. I didn’t understand. I had done everything I was supposed to in life, I never did drugs, hadn’t gotten pregnant young, and went to college like a good girl. Why did I feel like I was being punished? I was at a loss.

One day, I texted a friend. He lived in Boston and was one of the last friends I had kept in contact with from college. We had gone on a date, loved a good philosophical conversation, and enjoyed each other’s company. He got it out of me one day I was questioning my life… “Just hang until tomorrow, I am with my family, and I’ll meet with you tomorrow.”
That evening I logged on to social media and the news and saw he had drowned on a hike with his family. My heart sank. How could I have been questioning my life when life is so precious? I went into shock and a spiral between grief and a new appreciation for life.

A few weeks later, over an eclipse, I had a spontaneous Kundalini awakening which left me paralyzed for hours in the most incredible energy. It was as if all my worries had been erased, and all these troubles that had been plaguing me rose to the surface and were eradicated. I felt motivated to tell anyone I had a grudge with how I felt, I was processing trauma at an alarming rate, and I could suddenly hear guides and channel streams of consciousness I knew were not from me. That was in 2017, and when I came down from that Kundalini energy, I was curious to know what the heck had just happened to me! I didn’t know what Kundalini was. All the symptoms of a Kundalini awakenings are also the symptoms of mania (go figure, right?) I wrote myself off as mentally ill.

It took me until 2022, after I quit my corporate career, to finally figure out what was going on when the same thing happened over an eclipse. I knew I wasn’t crazy because I hadn’t just been severely depressed. My channeling gifts came online in full swing, which synched up with my Tarot reading. It became a calling and I realized that my abrupt and dramatic awakening and intense trials early in life were initiations to hold wisdom. This epiphany completely changed my life.

As you know, we’re big fans of Lady & Lion Co.. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
As a healer, I witness. I witness people in their darkness, their grief, their rage, their confusion, and extend a hand back into the light. The cards are really just a visual aid to the messages brought through. That’s why I call my business Lady & Lion Co. because we all embody the lion sometimes, the feral beast that hunts for survival, or the lady, a tempered, evolved version of oneself. This concept appears in the tarot as the Strength card in the Major Arcana, which is an illustration of a lady, usually dressed in white, with her hands placed gently on the mouth of a tame lion. When people get out of session with me, they feel like they just had a therapy session, but with a bit more magic and mysticism.

I think what sets me apart is that I keep it real. I am a human and I have my problems too. It doesn’t feel right for me to get up on a high horse and act as if I’m holier-than-thou. I make a conscious effort to be transparent about my guides and how I believe psychic “gifts” are actually skills that everyone can develop.

Being a healer, I am not fixing anything. I am exposing people’s ailments, and mindsets to a new frequency, and through this exposure, I create the possibility for the lower frequencies to transform and rise through the universal law of resonance. Given this, it is up to the person being healed to permit the healing, subliminally or otherwise.

Most of my work is channeled. I am a conduit to guides of the most high. I create space for them to work with others through me. It’s not me that deserves the recognition. Glory to the highest guardians and teachers who guide my life, my work, my heart, and my community. I am forever grateful for them.

Alright so before we go can you talk to us a bit about how people can work with you, collaborate with you or support you?
I have every intention of helping people along their path of ascension. If you’re a human looking to shed some density, see beyond mental or emotional blocks, need your energy cleansed or want to be part of a community looking to better themselves, I’d be honored to serve you. I offer tarot readings, energetic and emotional clearings, and various forms of hypnosis.

If you’re a healer and would like to collaborate with me, please reach out! I have many people I put on events with. For example, I help facilitate Kundalini activations with a yoga and Kundalini practitioner. I play bowls, support clients with reiki, and hold the field, and she leads yoga and catalyzes the kundalini. It’s a beautiful workshop we host monthly where a lot of magic is created. I’m happy to dream and execute something with other like-minded practitioners.


  • Tarot readings start at $22
  • Energetic and emotional clearings start at $44
  • Hypnosis starts at $111
  • Free sound healings Mondays at 5:00 PM and Fridays at 7:00 PM

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Jess Morgan

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