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Inspiring Conversations with Marisa Williams of A Hug Away Healthcare, Inc.

Today we’d like to introduce you to Marisa Williams

Hi Marisa, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
In 2008, I was asked to help someone build their business. Since teaching business education was what I did for 12 years, this was a great opportunity for me to practice what I preach! After a very successful summer, I was offered a permanent position with double my pay as an administrator in the public school system. It was an offer I couldn’t refuse. At the time, I was working on my doctorate degree, which I also put on hold. After two years of building several prosthetic locations, I encountered a situation that would change my life forever. The head prosthetist needed immediate help with his wife, who was dying of brain cancer. He spoke of his struggle to find good care for her, and with tears in his eyes, he shared his burden. Moved by his pain, I felt an urgency to help. I did what anyone might do in that moment—I googled, “How do you help a friend whose wife is dying of cancer?” The first suggestion that appeared was “How to start a Hospice Agency.” I clicked on the link and began reading the rules for the state of Texas. Feeling called to take action, I asked my sister to join me on this journey, and together, we began the application to open A Hug Away, Inc., doing business as A Hug Away Healthcare.

The prosthetist’s wife had one simple wish: to renew her expired driver’s license before she passed. I felt another pull on my heart, and I hired a Certified Nursing Assistant to be her friend and support. Not only did she pass her driving test, but she also lived another two years. We had the privilege of walking alongside her and her family during every step of her journey. It was a gift to be part of something so meaningful. Inspired by this experience, we expanded our services to include home health and sitter services. Since then, we’ve had the honor of caring for countless hospice and home health patients.

After five successful years, I was finally able to afford health insurance that allowed my husband and me to seek help in becoming parents—something we had struggled with for years. With the support of an amazing IVF team at Advanced Fertility Specialists, we began the delicate process of trying to start a family. Each attempt came with hope, but also heartbreak. We lost babies, each loss weighing heavily on our hearts. On our sixth attempt, we were filled with joy when everything seemed to be going well. We chose a name for our daughter, Sissay, and announced her arrival to the world. But as we celebrated, signs of a miscarriage began, and once again, our hearts were shattered. I was devastated and angry, feeling abandoned by a God I thought had promised me this joy.

One day, in my deepest despair, I cried out to God, questioning why this was happening. In that moment, I heard a voice whisper a name: TWYLA. It was a name I didn’t know, and it frightened me because it felt like more than just a thought—it felt like a promise. When I searched for the meaning of Twyla, I found that it meant “Double the Strength, Twice as Strong.” Hope stirred within me, and my husband and I decided to try one more time—our seventh and final attempt. On September 8, 2012, at the age of 42, we welcomed three beautiful, healthy babies: Twyla, Gracilyn, and Darren. It was a miracle beyond what we could have ever imagined, and we were surrounded by love and support from family and friends who helped us every step of the way.

About a year later, while working late at the office on a rainy night, I received a call from a doctor asking if we provided pediatric hospice care. Surprised and unprepared, I quickly replied, “No, we don’t do that, but I will pray for the family and child.” As soon as I hung up the phone, I felt a familiar pain—the same pain I felt when we lost Sissay. It was a deep, sorrowful ache, and again, I heard that voice: “Marisa, how dare you? You, who know so well, what the loss of a child feels like, would deny others the help they desperately need? You, who I blessed with not one, not two, but three healthy babies?” I knew in that moment that I was being called to do more, to help families facing the unimaginable, just as we had faced our own trials.

Since then, my mission has been clear: to support families with terminally ill children. It’s a mission that has been both challenging and rewarding. The financial aspects have made it difficult to expand our reach as we hope to, but every family we’ve been able to touch has been a testament to the power of love and resilience. Recently, we were offered a contract with Texas Children’s Hospital insurance to provide home health services, though the rates are much lower than what Medicaid pays. While this presents a financial challenge, it is also a step forward in our journey. We are working diligently to secure a fully activated Medicaid contract so that we can better serve these families.

On October 8, 2024, we will proudly participate in a vendor fair at Texas Children’s Hospital, where we will officially announce our commitment to supporting families and children with terminal illnesses through both hospice and home health care. We are grateful for every opportunity to be a source of comfort and hope. We aim to become a vital support system for families everywhere, providing care that extends beyond the clinical to the emotional and spiritual.

Looking ahead, we dream of starting a nonprofit to assist families without the financial means to access the care their children need. We also envision offering franchise opportunities within the next five years, allowing others to join us in this mission of compassion and service. It is with humble hearts that we continue to be A Hug Away for all ages and all stages of life. We are deeply grateful for the blessings we’ve received and for the chance to give back, and we invite you to keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we strive to make a difference, one family at a time.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
The journey to providing these essential services to families in need has come with its share of challenges. One of our biggest obstacles has been the ongoing nursing shortage, coupled with declining healthcare reimbursements. While we wish healthcare could be freely available to all, the reality of our current system sometimes forces us to make heartbreaking decisions. We are currently selling our vehicle inventory to build the budget needed to attract and retain dedicated, compassionate staff who share our mission.

Additionally, we recognize the need to invest in technology improvements to streamline our operations and enhance patient care. In the face of natural disasters, we need reliable backup systems, including a generator, to ensure our services remain uninterrupted during critical times. These investments are crucial for our resilience and long-term sustainability.

To prepare for our vendor fair at Texas Children’s Hospital on October 8, we are also focused on building a strong leadership team to guide us through this pivotal moment and beyond. Establishing a solid foundation of skilled leaders will enable us to better serve our families and expand our impact. It takes a lot to be A Hug Away, but with the right team and resources, we believe we can overcome any challenge and continue to make a difference in the lives of those who need us most.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about A Hug Away Healthcare, Inc. ?
At A Hug Away, Inc., we are dedicated to providing compassionate and comprehensive care through our sitter services, home health, and hospice care for all ages—from children to adults. For over 15 years, my sister, Tikisha Johnson, and I have worked side by side to serve our community, driven by a shared vision and a commitment to making a difference. We come from humble beginnings, and it is this deep connection to our roots that fuels our passion for providing high-quality care to those who need it most.

What sets us apart is our belief that care should be personal, not just clinical. We are known for our hands-on, family-centered approach, treating every patient and their loved ones with the respect, dignity, and empathy they deserve. Whether it’s through our attentive sitter services, our skilled home health care, or our comforting hospice support, we ensure that each individual feels valued and cared for at every stage of their journey.

One of our primary goals is to provide clinicians who can serve families during their time of need for home health and, when the time comes, help them transition to hospice care. By having the same staff support the patient throughout their care journey, we promote comfort, continuity, and trust, creating a seamless experience that eases the emotional and logistical challenges families often face.

We specialize in bridging the gap between home health and hospice, offering a seamless transition that allows patients to continue with familiar caregivers throughout their care. This continuity not only eases the emotional burden on families but also enhances the overall quality of care provided.

We are always looking for talented RNs and case managers to lead our team, as well as opportunities for a dedicated and skilled administrator and an experienced supervising clinician to join us in our mission. These roles are crucial in helping us maintain the high standards of care that our patients and their families rely on.

We are most proud of our brand’s commitment to being there for our community in the moments that matter most. From fulfilling a terminal patient’s final wish to empowering families through our specialized programs, A Hug Away is more than a service—it’s a promise to be a steadfast source of comfort, support, and hope.

We want our readers to know that our services are designed with the whole family in mind, offering personalized care plans that reflect the unique needs of each individual. At A Hug Away, we are not just healthcare providers; we are partners in care, dedicated to being by your side every step of the way.

Do you any memories from childhood that you can share with us?
My favorite childhood memory is each summer loading up in the car and driving to from Lake Charles. LA to Houston. We always had a great time. We would visit Astroworld. Even then, I knew that one day I would call Houston home!

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