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Rising Stars: Meet Jonathan Basulto of Houston, TX

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jonathan Basulto

Hi Jonathan, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
The U.S. Christian Chaplain Association of Texas, Inc. is a Voluntary Chaplain organization based in Houston, TX, which was founded in 2012 by a group of interdenominational Pastors with the mission to aid, minister, support and restore anyone with spiritual, emotional, mental and even physical need.

The founding group of Pastors was lead by my father, Rev. Juan Ramon Lopez; who served as our Mentor Chaplain until his passing in 2021.

Our organization began with approximately 20 volunteers and has since to over 5,000 Volunteer Chaplain Ministers. These Ministers carry out the Labor of the Good Samaritan within their own communities. While most serve within the United States, there are some of us who also serve or have served in several other countries, such as Mexico, Cuba, Central and South America, Spain, Portugal and even Jordan!

We believe in transforming lives through God’s Word and Love, tending to spiritual, emotional, mental and physical needs in times of crisis. As Volunteer Chaplains, we are committed to serving our churches and communities, continuously working in harmony and in support of our local, state and federal authorities.

Over the years, members of our organization have expanded their service to visiting people in need within jails, hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, senior homes, and even detention centers. These visits have lead many individuals to improve their lives, find the support they needed, and, in some cases choose to become and serve as volunteers themselves – all this, without overlooking the profound spiritual transformation that undoubtedly accompanies this kind of support.

As of 2024, we are in the process of expanding into other Latin American countries, including Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and Colombia, with plans to establish local headquarters so that we can also serve the Latin American communities more efficiently. This expansion is being carried out through our sister organization, The Good Samaritan International Chaplaincy, Inc. We are thrilled about this exciting new chapter!

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
There have certainly been bumps on the road along the way, and, as with any journey, many of those struggles have come from within; however, as Christians and Volunteer Chaplain Ministers, we understand that we are serving a purpose far greater than ourselves. This truth always seems to reinvigorate us in our calling to serve.

As with every organization, growth and expansion present their own challenges; however, we are blessed to be part of an incredible network of ministries and organizations that share our mission of helping and ministering those in need. This is where we find our strength: in being part of something greater than ourselves; because as our slogan states “UNITED WE WILL ACHIEVE MORE”.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
The U.S. Christian Chaplain Association of Texas, Inc., together with its sister organization, the Good Samaritan International Chaplaincy, Inc., is committed to serving people in need within our communities. Through our work, we extend an invitation to individuals to join a church of their choice—regardless of denomination or faith—so they can continue to receive the support they need.

We are well known for our community service during times of crisis, such as during Hurricane Harvey in Houston, and most recently, Hurricane Beryl.

We work very closely with churches to create support points for people in need of food (via food banks) and other essential resources. In Houston, for instance, we have a dedicated team of Chaplain Ministers who focus their efforts on helping people with disabilities or those unable to perform certain tasks for themselves. Some of the tasks we assist with often include mowing an elderly person’s lawn, fixing ceiling leaks, or repairing fallen fences for individuals with disabilities.

Additionally, we work very diligently to support people who fall victims to home abuse, physical violence, and even crimes like pedophilia. In cases such as these, we adhere to strict protocols: first, to protect the identity of the victim and prevent further harm, and second, to safeguard the identity of the Chaplain Minister(s) rendering aid.

Our mission is to help anyone in need to the best of our abilities, as long as it is within our capacity to do so. If the assistance required is beyond our means, we seek alternative ways to help; whether by finding the right person to assist or directing them to professional services (such as mental health services, shelters or victim resources).

What sets us apart from other ministries is our focus on pragmatic training and practical concepts based on the protocols already established within the organizations we serve (e.g. hospitals, jails, shelters, hospices, rehabilitation centers etc.). This approach allows Volunteer Chaplain Ministers to be better equipped to handle the difficult situations they will undoubtedly face when helping those in need.

Perhaps what we, as an organization, are most proud of is the fact that we are legitimately making a tangible difference in the lives of so many people here in the U.S. and across the world. Not only do we get to serve within our communities, but we also have the opportunity to impact the lives of so many people who are far from home or in a distant land. For us, that is the true reward, knowing we are fulfilling our calling to carry out the Labor of the Good Samaritan.

We prepare our Volunteer Chaplain Ministers through a three-tier educational curriculum:
1. Basic Chaplain Course: Four modules covering the academic, operational (protocols), emotional and spiritual aspects of being a Volunteer Chaplain and of ministering those in need.
2. Continuing Education Classes: In-depth courses focused on specific subjects (mental health, hospice visitation, domestic abuse etc.).
3. Master Courses: Classes administered by us, but certified by its corresponding professional entity (CPR, QPR [suicide prevention] etc.).

The first level establishes the fundamental skills and knowledge needed to begin serving. At the second and third levels, members can choose from numerous courses based on their interests and/or the ministry or facility in which they wish to serve.

What would you say have been one of the most important lessons you’ve learned?
The single most important concept we’ve learned along the way is, as our slogan states: United we will achieve more.

We often compare our Chaplain Ministers to ants. A single ant is rarely seen as a formidable force; however, when all those small worker ants unite with a shared mission, they are capable of achieving incredibly complex tasks, even overcoming challenges far beyond their individual abilities and capabilities.

What we have discovered is that, regardless of doctrine, denomination, and even across religious belief, when we stand together with a common goal, we will ALWAYS achieve more. That is where true strength lies, in being united. God Bless you.


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