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Meet Mecca Woodard of Alignment Agency

Today we’d like to introduce you to Mecca Woodard

Hi Mecca, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
So, I grew up in Los Angeles CA, in a blended household w/ my mom and step dad which taught me some invaluable lessons early on. Even though I lived with them primarily, I would say my unique career journey was actually inspired by my biological father who earned great respect during his career in law enforcement, yet always had a love for building businesses. Growing up I saw him use his free time to study, network & learn new things. I saw him dive into everything from private investigating to mentoring the youth and even real estate ventures. His entrepreneurial spirit definitely rubbed off on me.

In 2012, I went to college in the Bay Area and fell in love with the city of Oakland. It was there, amidst the beats and rhythms of the city’s burgeoning music scene, that I found my first love, Photography. Armed with a camera and lots of grit, I dived headfirst into my first business Mecca Media. Together with friends, I joined an amazing collective called Nook&Kranny, a black woman ran only publication celebrating artists and businesses around the San Francisco Bay Area. This venture wasn’t just a passion—it became the catalyst for my journey towards developing my identity & creativity.

From capturing raw talent in underground venues to spotlighting hidden gems in Oakland’s streets, my lens became a bridge between artists, communities, and the world. This gift took me to places like London and Africa, each click of the shutter was a testament to the power of storytelling and the beauty of chasing dreams.

Today, that same spirit drives me forward in my current business Alignment Agency! In 2020, I pivoted into the Insurance industry after witnessing how the pandemic sent shockwaves through thousands of families, including my own. As a creative, becoming a life insurance agent wasn’t something I had planned, but after being introduced to the field by a former partner, I jumped in with passion.

I’ve spent almost 5 years in the industry now and I can honestly say the biggest lesson for me is that everything is connected and all skills are transferrable. Every venture, every endeavor—whether it soars or stumbles—is an important chapter to your story. To me, building a legacy isn’t about finding the ONE path and ONE career but embracing the journey, trying new things, and weaving them into the fabric of who I am so I can teach others.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It definitely hasn’t been easy. Pivoting industries is very difficult and entrepreneurship is a mirror in every sense of the word. It will reveal your strengths, illuminate your weaknesses, and in many cases give you a deeper understanding of your work ethic, communication style, and threshold for uncomfortability lol. But every challenge has been an opportunity to stretch beyond my comfort zone and evolve in ways I never imagined. This season of my life has been a reminder that entrepreneurship is a mindset, not just a title & for me it continues no matter where I go.

One of my biggest struggles was almost a year ago when I had to make the tough yet necessary decision to return to Corporate America, not as a step backward, but as a way to refine and sharpen my skillset within the industry. Now, I proudly embrace the title of a #CorporateCreative and Intrapreneur—someone who balances the structure of corporate life with the innovative spirit of an entrepreneur. This has really allowed me to approach my professional development with fresh eyes, applying the lessons I’ve learned as a business owner to drive growth, both for myself and the company I work for.

As you know, we’re big fans of Alignment Agency. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
My company Alignment Agency is forever evolving, we currently specialize in life insurance as well as social media marketing for financial professionals.

The name “Alignment” holds a strong meaning for me, I’m deeply spiritual and believe that true success in life comes from aligning your God given purpose with an abundant mindset, and the skillset to back it up. When creating this brand I really wanted for it to live between the intersection of wealth building and wellness. Especially for people like myself who are first generation wealth builders and are aware that they’re journey to their financial goals may look a lot different than their parents. Since starting this company, my team and I have been able to service over 300 clients across 50 states and last year I wrote my first book, “A First Generation Wealth Builders Guide to Life Insurance”

In addition to running Alignment Agency & navigating Corporate America, I’m committed to professional development and increasing diversity in the insurance industry. I do this through content creation, 1 on 1 mentoring and being apart of professional organizations in my city.

Do you have any advice for those just starting out?
For anyone just starting out, my biggest piece of advice is to always remain a student of life. You don’t need to have all the answers immediately—embrace the learning process and stay curious. In whatever field you’re pursuing, immerse yourself fully and make it a priority to practice what you preach.

A lot of people will try to “fake it til they make it” selling dreams and false realities but trust me when I say authenticity is magnetic, and when you’re genuinely committed to your craft, people will feel that and gravitate toward your work.

Lastly, always remember that test that comes your way is simply part of your “testimony”—the story of your growth and evolution. Every chapter of your life, whether marked by triumph or hardship, is a vital piece of the legacy you’re building. Trust that everything happening now is preparing you for what’s next. Stay open, stay grounded, and always move forward with the knowledge that your story is still being written, and it’s going to be extraordinary.

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