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Daily Inspiration: Meet Lenaise Meyeil

Today we’d like to introduce you to Lenaise Meyeil

Hi Lenaise , thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
The journey of writing and completing “SEND A BAD B!T*H ROSES”, began with a profound process of self-discovery and a commitment to true healing. I had to confront the deepest parts of myself, acknowledging and addressing the wounds of past traumas, especially those rooted in childhood. My awakening came after a severe mental health breakdown last December, brought on by the overwhelming weight of life’s challenges—parenting, marriage, low mood, family conflict, the ending of friendships and the relentless pursuit of pleasing others. I found myself caught in the cycle of being everything to everyone, neglecting my own needs and self-care. In my effort to fill everyone else’s cup, I allowed my own to run dry. This book is my testament to the power of turning inward, embracing healing, and reclaiming one’s wholeness.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
The journey has been anything but smooth. Along the way, I faced challenges such as setting healthy boundaries, unlearning negative habits, silencing self-doubt, and letting go of people I once thought would be in my life forever. The hardest part was being completely honest with myself about what needed healing. You cannot heal what you refuse to reveal. The most challenging part of the journey was realizing how lonely and isolating the path to healing can feel. In the quiet moments, it’s just you, your wounds, and the presence of God guiding you through the darkness.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I am known for my creativity, having authored two urban literature books, “Stiletto 101” (2002) and “Vendetta: Diary of a Kingpin’s Daughter” (2007). My latest work, “Send A BAD B!T*H ROSES”, marks a new direction for me as a self-help and motivational book—something entirely different from my previous projects. What sets me apart is my authenticity and unique ability to connect with readers through a pop culture lens, making my work relatable to both younger and more seasoned audiences.

How can people work with you, collaborate with you or support you?
“SEND A BAD B!T*H ROSES”, is now available on Amazon. For those interested in connecting or collaborating, you can follow me on Instagram at @lenaisemeyeil or contact my publisher at


  • 24.95

Contact Info:

  • Instagram: @lenaisemeyeil
  • Other:

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