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Check Out Nathan Warner’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Nathan Warner

Hi Nathan, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
I was born in 1984, in Deer Park, Texas. With a passion for art and drawing at a young age, I grew up knowing I wanted to be an artist. I graduated with a Bachelors in Art Education from Louisiana Christian University, where I met my wife. I spent several years in New Orleans, where I sold my art on Jackson Square and worked on various commissions.

Once back in Houston, I became an Art Teacher, teaching kids from Pre-K all the way through high school. In 2021, I decided to step aside from teaching and focus on developing my own portfolio, as well as commissioned work. My ultimate dream is to be a Disney Fine Artist, and you see my passion for all things Disney shown through many of my pieces.

I enjoy seeing the smile on my client’s face when their vision comes to life through my artwork. I spend most of my time working on commissions, helping homeschool my two children, and planning my next trip to Disney.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
My father introduced me to drawing, as it was one of his favorite hobbies. Unfortunately, he passed away in the Phillips 66 plant explosion in 1989. My mom saved all of his artwork and they became inspirations to me over the years. He most recently inspired me to focus on pointillism, which has helped to push my artistic skills. It has been a struggle to find my own way in the art world. Finding the balance of giving the client what they want, versus creating something that I think will look good and be exciting to paint is sometimes difficult. It is always interesting that at the end of a project, I have learned a new art skill and a little something about myself.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I consider myself an artist who thrives on vibrant, bold-colored artwork and pointillism, a technique built on intricate dots. My work is often is inspired by the world of Disney, with many beloved characters brought to life in a fresh new look. One of my favorite techniques is layering pointillism over canvases covered with old comic book pages. The juxtaposition of the comics’ vintage dot-printing method with my detailed dot painting creates a visually intriguing fusion of past and present.
I am currently focusing on commissions as a muralist and window splash painter. I’ve found a love for the historical art of window painting for businesses, especially since it allows me to use such bold color and pop style. I’ve painted windows for several businesses around the Humble and Atascocita area.

Any big plans?
I just revamped my website, showcasing all of my talents as an artist. This will be my second year of doing window splashes with hopes of getting more contracts for this up coming holiday season. I also love creating murals and I am hoping to paint more.
Other plans for the future include continuing to develop my portfolio in order to show Disney my talent. My unique style is some thing you don’t see right now in the art world.

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