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Meet Stephania Saintpierre of Houston Texas

Today we’d like to introduce you to Stephania Saintpierre

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
My name is stephania and I am 26 years old. I come from a family of seven, the oldest of four siblings. At age three, I moved to the states with my parents and younger sister. Coming from immigrant background In my culture, success is typically achieved through college and traditional professions like doctor, lawyer, or nurse. However, I felt a different calling from a young age. After dropping out of college, I rediscovered my path and started discovering my life’s purpose through my relationship with God, overcoming low self-esteem, childhood toxicity, sexual trauma and rejection.

I realized that everything I went through happened FOR ME and not TO ME. I decided to no longer be a victim of my circumstances instead I took back control and allowed my MESS to become my MESSAGE . I decided to use my story to assist in empowering and speaking into the lives of women, Encouraging them to come out of that low broken place I once found myself.

At the age of 23 I had a supernatural encounter with Jesus that shifted my perspective and the world around me. I was transformed, set free &RENEWED. from that moment I decided I wanted to be that for someone else. I became the first entrepreneur and author in my family. feeling inspired from the transformation that took place in my life I began writing books such as “Hidden in plain sight“ and “Arise kingdom lioness “ encouraging many to seek an authentic relationship with God as a first step for permanent transformation .

I started my youtube channel as a way to connect with my audience authentically ( where we’ve now gained over 6,000 supporters ). As well as build community through instagram where I share my love for cooking , fashion, words of wisdom and encouragement . It’s an ongoing journey but I’m fortunate enough to say I’m discovering the reason why I was born with each day that goes by.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
This journey definitely has ups and downs. when you are the first to take on a different path in your family that wasn’t previously modeled it’s always scary at first. As the saying goes “it gets lonely at the top”. the toughest part for me has been leaving behind people and close relatives because the environment was no longer conducive for where I was heading. having to face the reality that everyone can’t come with you on this journey is a bitter pill to swallow but I’ve learned You have to be willing to do it alone and unsure at first then learn along the way, while also not allowing that painful reality to change who you are at your core.

Ive had to come to that sobering moment of truth several times as well as reframing negative limiting beliefs adopted in childhood. making the decision followed by actions to continuously show up and do the necessary work on a daily basis has been tough but I’ve realized that this is BIGGER than me, that mindset keeps me grounded on difficult days.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I am a creative. I thrive in creativity whether that is through video editing for my youtube channel , cooking new recipes , putting together a nice outfit or sharing an Encouraging word of wisdom I enjoy creating and sharing that content with my supporters. I’m known for saying the right thing at the right time to encourage and uplift someone out of a dark place. I’ve received feedback from my audience who were positively impacted by the advice I’ve given that it actually resonated with them and caused a change in their life’s. When that happens I’m reminded just how rewarding this is by causing positive impact into people’s lives through my content has been what I’m most proud of.

The crisis has affected us all in different ways. How has it affected you and any important lessons or epiphanies you can share with us?
I’ve learned that human connection is essential. We were created to love and be loved, crisis such as Covid-19 remind us that the best things in life are free. Enjoy the small moments, laugh as often as you can , forgive and love fearlessly.

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