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Daily Inspiration: Meet Renata Trebing

Today we’d like to introduce you to Renata Trebing

Hi Renata, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
I have always loved food and cooking. Ever since I was a young girl, I loved to spend time in the kitchen watching my mom and grandmother cook food for the whole family. I was also infatuated with reading cookbooks and spent so much time reading them like novels.

As I got older, I started to work as an engineer, keeping cooking as more of a hobby and researching nutrition whenever I wanted to understand more about the human body.

But this all changed, when I had my first child, Olivia.

After Olivia was born, she started to have some gastrointestinal issues. The GI issues were affecting Olivia’s ability to sleep and be pain free, as well as affecting my mental and emotional stress levels too. It got so bad that we ended up seeking medical attention and our pediatrician told me that there was a possibility that Olivia was allergic to something that I was eating and then receiving that allergen through my breast milk. I found out that one of the most common allergens for infants is dairy. So I took dairy out of my diet to see if Olivia’s condition improved.

It was a rapid and huge surprise that this simple shift created a massive improvement in Olivia’s GI symptoms.

I was thrilled that this happened… and I started to notice that I was feeling better too. My body felt less heavy, my energy levels were higher, my digestion improved and my bloating had gone down too.

I realized that this was all due to removing dairy from my eating plan. I had no idea that I had been going through my life with inflammation in my body and that a simple shift helped me to heal my body and feel my absolute best.

This is when I finally realized the healing power of food. There are so many foods that can help to heal various areas of the body, as well as increase our energy, balance our blood sugar levels and help us lose weight or increase muscle mass.

Not only that, I loved being able to incorporate herbs and spices to create healthy meals that my family actually wanted to eat. Gone were the days where we would think healthy food was boring or bland. Instead, I was able to bring my knowledge of cooking together with the nutrition learnings to help myself and others create a healthier and happier life too.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
The road to creating my own nutrition coaching business has had its share of challenges. I started my business when not many other people in my network understood what entrepreneurship was, nor did they understand how I could sustain a livelihood from it. In addition, I started my business when I had 3 small children and was juggling working full time as well.
However, all these struggles taught me valuable skills to help me in the future such as improving communication, explaining my business and mission succinctly and effectively, being able to multitask and finding a balance between work and home life.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I coach women with their nutrition and lifestyle practices to help them achieve their healthy life goals. Specifically, I help women understand their hormone levels and show how food can help to naturally balance hormones.

Since the majority of women have a menstrual cycle or are going into perimenopause or menopause, our hormones are shifting throughout life and if our hormones are struggling to remain within an optimum range, we can experience symptoms like PMS, PMDD, hot flashes, night sweats, etc.

The foods that we eat can actually help to get our hormones back into that optimum range, improve gut health, increase energy levels and stabilize mood, amongst many other things. Its a natural and effective way of providing women with the information and tools they need to feel empowered with their health and hormones.

I am most proud of the women that have come to me with PMS struggles and after implementing my guidance for as little as 30 days, they have been able to have a massive improvement to their PMS or their PMS have been completely eliminated. This rapid healing and re-balancing of hormones is such a huge relief for my clients and is a great testament to their commitment to their health.

I find that more women are looking for a holistic approach to their health care and are tired of being dismissed by medical doctors. My whole-person approach allows my clients to be fully heard, fully seen as well as providing expert, well-researched nutrition guidance and support to help them achieve their health goals.

Do you any memories from childhood that you can share with us?
One of my favorite childhood memories is being in the kitchen watching my mother and grandmother cook for the whole family. This memory reminds me about the emotional connection that we all have with food. That is what can make food so complicated and challenging when you’re trying to shift your food relationship, So many women have a negative food relationship, meaning that they tend to restrict foods or consider certain foods as “good” or “bad”. Instead, if I approach food with a more positive relationship, such as a way of nourishing my body, or connecting with my loved ones, it helps to remove the pressure of food being a means to an aesthetic end or as “bad” foods that will make me feel bad if I eat them.

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