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Hidden Gems: Meet Paige Baker of The Baker Team

Today we’d like to introduce you to Paige Baker

Hi Paige, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
In 2018, I co-founded The Baker Team with my Mother, Julie, and it has been an incredible experience and adventure ever since! We have really based our business on our relationships with our clients and have focused on building those relationships to be strong and to last a lifetime.

We grew our Team in 2021 and added an amazing Team Member, Tony Mendez, and he has been such a force in the industry ever since he hit the ground running. He is the ultimate resource for New Construction homes and advocates so incredibly well for his clients in the resale market as well. He has truly been such a blessing in our lives and we are forever grateful for him.

Most of our business over the years has been working with First Time Home Buyers and that has brought so much joy and fulfillment into our lives. Being able to educate and guide our clients through the home buying process and into a home that they thought they would never have, is such a special experience.

The most rewarding moments are when we are able to get our Buyers paid at Closing. It is such a fun experience to see their faces when they receive a check back and keys to their new home at Closing. Nothing beats it!

I also have built a very strong referral network across North America through my social media presence, and have had the honor of assisting so many buyers and sellers relocate to either Houston or other parts of the country. Social Media has been such a great resource and platform to use for marketing, growing and creating relationships and especially celebrating our clients huge wins!

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
When I first came into the industry there were definitely some obstacles that came my way. It was a fun challenge building my clientele, but the biggest obstacle I had to face was entering the industry at a young age and having other agents not look at me as an equal in the industry.

There were numerous occasions where agents would talk down to me and make comments to try and bring down my self confidence and belief in myself that I could make it in this industry. This made me not only want to work as hard as possible to prove myself right, but also helped me really build a strong foundation in who I am and what I know I am capable of doing.

When you know yourself and what you’re capable of you become unstoppable and the things you are able to accomplish are endless.

Now, almost six years later, I have built an incredible business alongside my Mother and couldn’t be more proud of all that I have accomplished. I know this is just the beginning and I can’t wait to see where we are in another six years.

Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
As mentioned previously, we have built the foundation of our business on relationships. Our business has not been traditional and we have had nearly all of our clients come from referrals, social media or have been past clients that enjoyed our services so much that they wanted to work with us again, which is always the best feeling.

We also love staying in touch with our past clients and still send hand written cards, newsletters and even stop by and visit. Even after closing we are always in our clients lives as a friend and resource.

We have also built such strong relationships with Lenders, Escrow Officers and Insurance Agents which have helped us build the ultimate dream team when it comes to serving our clients in the best way possible. Always staying knowledgeable on what our partners offer and provide has kept us steps ahead of others at times and has put our clients in amazing situations.

This industry is truly all about teamwork and it is so important to work with others that understand you and are on the same level of service as you. This truly ensures a seamless transaction for your clients, which is the ultimate goal at the end of the day.

Have you learned any interesting or important lessons due to the Covid-19 Crisis?
From 2020-2022, the housing market was extremely active and competitive, but also the times where we did the most business and also secured some amazing deals for our clients.

During those years it was as important as ever to really hone in on your craft and stay knowledgeable. The Agents that could write strong and clean offers and built those strong relationships with other agents, were the ones that secured the dream homes for their clients in a very competitive market.

There were some instances where we were beating out 40+ other offers, and sometimes even all cash offers, on homes and securing that dream home for our client because of how we built a rapport with the Listing Agent from the beginning and also submitting offers that the Sellers just couldn’t turn down and had never seen before.

I truly thrived in that competitive market and know that when housing markets arise like that again, that our clients are in the best hands.

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