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Meet Sam Malone of 512 New Media

Today we’d like to introduce you to Sam Malone

Hi Sam, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
How it all started? I was a college senior studying Finance at a third-rate university in Philadelphia. I worked as a mobile DJ to pay for tuition, books, food, etc. There was a real pretty girl that I wanted to date. I got the nerve up to ask her out. Her answer? “I can’t date you, you’re too poor”. She wasn’t lying. But, she introduced me to a guy she was ‘dating’. Turns out he was this HUGE, popular DJ on the radio. Granted, he was ‘chemically enhanced’ at our introduction at 1am in the parking lot of a night club in Cherry Hill, NJ. I asked him how the heck you become a DJ? He told me the secret. 4 things that would get me a job on the radio in one of America’s largest cities. Plus, being on the radio might help me land a date with that pretty girl who shot me down 🙂 Guess what? His advice was spot on. 6 weeks later, I was on a morning radio show! And graduation was still a few months away. After Philly, I was sent to to Sarasota, FL. Then it was off to the frozen tundra of Buffalo, NY radio. I finally arrived in Houston in ’93 to take over the morning show at 104 KRBE. That turned into ratings dynamite. I have proudly spent 30 years on Houston Morning radio. Then 11 years ago, I opened up 512 New Media, Houston’s leading Marketing/Content Creation firm!

And somehow, along the way, I became a civilian driver in the motorcade for President Trump. Seriously!

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Smooth road? HAHAHAHAHA. Heck no! If you want a smooth road, go work for your family. I had to work my way up in the business, and that meant getting fired. And moving. And getting fired again. And moving again. I didn’t hit my groove until I got to Buffalo, NY in 1990. Took over the morning show for a real legendary radio host. The show hit number 1 and better job offers came in. Luckily I married an amazing women who understood that moving around the country is essential to “making it” in this business.

Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
While I was on the radio at 104 KRBE, the ratings took off. I was hosting the most-listened to morning show in the state of Texas. Clients, who were spending a lot of money, starting asking for Marketing help. They wanted my advice for a TV commercial script. Or, what would I put on one their billboards. In 2014, I decided to open up my own Marketing firm, 512 New Media. It took a lot of hard work, but we are now leading the way in successful, cutting-edge Marketing strategies and campaigns. We handle everything in-house. We DO NOT FARM OUT any of our creative. The websites are designed at HQ, the videos/commercials are shot and edited here in our TV studio. And our strategy, what we are famous for, is all created here. The company has grown. We currently have clients from Florida to New Mexico.

So maybe we end on discussing what matters most to you and why?
What matters to me the most? LOYALTY. I’m a very loyal guy. Have been since I was young. Today, loyalty is a forgotten word. I always remember being a loyal employee. Heck, if they were paying me, I would show up on time, everyday and deliver. Now I hear about this trend called “quiet quitting”. It’s sad to know that so many young college grads live in a small bubble of weakness and fear. Perhaps its time they crack open a bible. Try Psalm 34;4 or Proverbs 3:5-6

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