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Community Highlights: Meet Carrissa Kai of Keep Me Curvy

Today we’d like to introduce you to Carrissa Kai

Hi Carrissa , can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
My weight has always been one of my main issues. Growing up I was a chubby child, I was always lot bigger than other girls my age and felt uncomfortable in my body. I was never really teased too badly about my weight however, there were times when comments would be made and as I entered my teen years I started to feel really self-conscious. As a result I tried all of the fad diets I could, from cayenne pepper to cabbage soup I really did try it all however, as quickly as I lost the weight I would put it all back on and more. When I turned 19 I found myself in an extremely toxic relationship and reached over 230lbs., this was the biggest I had ever been. Once I left the relationship I worked hard to lose the weight and managed to keep most of it off. However, in 2020 I hit rock bottom, in the midst of the pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement I had a complete breakdown and lost everything and everyone around me. In order to cope I turned to food for comfort. Over the course of 6 months I put on a lot of weight and when I weighed myself I could not believe that I had reached 245lbs, the heaviest I had ever been. Seeing those numbers on the scale was the wake up call I needed to take back control of my life, my body and all areas of my health. I focused on healing my trauma which in turn allowed me to heal my relationship with food. Next I focused on moving my body, I started with home workouts, then progressed to working out at the gym until eventually I made the decision to become a qualified personal trainer because I had fallen in love with fitness and the way it made me look and feel. Fast forward to today and I am a Trauma-informed Body Transformation Coach and founded my own company Keep Me Curvy which supports women to transform their bodies and their lives through the power of fitness, nutrition, self-love and healing.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
My life has been a series of ups and downs, much like my weight. I grew up in a difficult environment and had a lot of challenges to overcome from an early age. However, I will always be grateful for all of the barriers and struggles I have faced as it has instilled in me a sense of resilience and determination that has served me well as I have navigated my healing, self-love and body transformation journey. When it comes to the most difficult aspects of losing weight, I believe navigating all of the misinformation about what will and won’t work, along with overcoming food addiction and emotional eating are the things that most women get confused by. When it came to my own journey I spent months learning about nutrition and rewiring my mind to accept the foods that we were designed to eat and finding joy in eating whole foods that make me look and feel my best. Also, there were many times that I believed I had escaped from the traps of food addiction (caused by sugar & other ingredients in Ultra-Processed Foods) and emotional eating, only to find myself back at square one. Each time I found myself eating food that I knew was keeping me overweight and damaging my health, I had to work through the shame guilt and self-blame that came along afterwards.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your business?
Keep Me Curvy is a one of a kind weight loss method that is based on the principles of fitness, nutrition, self-love and healing. We work with women wherever they are on their weight loss journey and give them all of the tools they need to gain freedom from the main root causes of weight gain and obesity for so many; food and sugar addiction, emotional eating and a lack of deep seated self-love and self-care.

As a weight loss method for women I also designed Keep Me Curvy around the unique needs of the female body; specifically how women’s bodies need different approaches to weight loss and body transformation at different stages of their lives. As such I am a coach who understands how the menopause, the menstrual cycle, PCOS and the post part period impact women’s bodies and what to do to support women to achieve a healthy weight across each of these life stages.

This may seem cliché however, the thing I am most proud of about my company is the amazing community of women we have created and how each of them have really embraced the method and are making huge strides towards their ideal bodies, more than the physical transformations though I am proud of my ‘Curvies’ as I call them for how much more confidence, self-love and self-esteem they now have as a result of improving their health, their eating habits and their fitness levels.

If anybody reading this is interested in joining our community we offer a range of products and services from our women’s health and weight loss guides including; The Menopause Weight Loss Clause, Mummy Tummy Transformation and PCOS Weight Dispose to our 12 week 1-1 and group coaching programmes which offer done for you bespoke meal plans, fitness programmes and self-love and healing protocols. Finally, for those who may want longer term support and accountability we have the Keep Me Curvy Self-Love Club which is a monthly membership offering a full range of support and guidance.

How do you think about happiness?
Self-love makes me happy, I truly believe that without looking after yourself first you aren’t able to look after anybody else. Therefore I believe that my first job in life is to make myself happy so that I can bring happiness into the lives of others.

The second thing that makes me happy is seeing my clients happy, I love nothing more than getting a text from a client telling me that they are noticing their body changing or my ladies showing me videos of the jeans they couldn’t fit last month buttoning up or them sharing pictures of the salads and smoothies they are now enjoying or even more importantly my girls with type 2 diabetes telling me their AC1 levels have stabilised and their blood sugar levels have been consistently in the normal range for weeks on end.


  • $3000 – 1-1 Coaching
  • $1000 Group Coaching
  • $45 Women’s Health Guides
  • $30 p/m Membership

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