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Meet Carolina Gambrel of CAPITAL C

Today we’d like to introduce you to Carolina Gambrel

Hi Carolina, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
Imagine spending almost 25 years in an industry, only to wake up one day feeling…stuck. That was me, not too long ago. With two decades of proposal management expertise, 15+ years of providing client experiences and managing projects, and a handful of years diving into change management and marketing, I thought I had it all figured out. Then came the pandemic, and with it, my mid-life crisis. I jokingly told my husband I wanted to sell everything, move to New Zealand, and run a goat farm. But in all seriousness, the struggle was real. I was living a “mediocre” life. Now I know the word mediocre can be triggering because it seems like comparing, but for me, it was a personal reflection. I recognized that I was functioning far below my capacity.

I knew I had more to give, but I didn’t know how to make that happen. What’s the next step? Where do I start?

So, I did what any good consultant would do – I became my own client. I took myself through the same framework I use with my clients:

1. I audited my life (yes, really!)
2. I identified the challenge (hello, feeling stuck!)
3. I created a plan (because I’m a planner at heart)
4. I executed that plan (the hardest part, but totally worth it)
5. I amplified the results to create a clear path forward for my new career (helping others do the same)

The result? I emerged transformed and ready to launch my own consulting firm!

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
It was a bumpy road. Do you know what a fixed mindset is? I only recently learned this, so I’d love to share.
A fixed mindset is believing that your skillset and intelligence are fixed and unchangeable. In the past, if I was good at something, naturally, I just excelled, and if I wasn’t, I thought it must not be for me. A growth mindset means that you are never too old to learn something new. You just have to be comfortable with being uncomfortable while you get from where you are to where you want to go. That experience can be mediocre or extraordinary. I spent months learning about learning, acquiring new skillsets, and being okay with not knowing how to do it all perfectly. I’ll share a personal story that illustrates growth mindset in action. In 2015 I read a book called “Born to Run”. I was so inspired by it that I even signed up for the Houston Chevron Half Marathon but ended up not going through with it because I had no real training, and I wasn’t really good at running.
But the seed of inspiration was planted in me, and I still believed there was a runner inside of me! Years later, I discovered the Couch Potato to 5k app. Have you heard of it? It’s a 9-week program that takes you from a literal couch potato (me) to running a 5k. I made the decision to stick with the training no matter how I felt each day, and y’all, in 9 weeks, I went from not being able to run for 60 seconds to running 45 minutes without stopping!

We’ve been impressed with CAPITAL C, but for folks who might not be as familiar, what can you share with them about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
Whether you’re an individual seeking career clarity or a business aiming for growth, Capital C is here to connect the dots and create a clear path forward.

I am a Career Clarity Coach and a Consultant for growing businesses.

You know how some people realize their career is no longer right for them? Well, I help them take the next step to create a roadmap to career clarity.

For businesses, imagine this: there’s a roadblock somewhere in your business. What is that roadblock? It could be an unfinished project, a broken process, or a new idea you haven’t launched. We take you on a first-class experience from stuck to solved!

What sets Capital C apart is the ability to provide guidance, encouragement, and accountability. We help ensure our clients achieve their results with a meaningful and lasting impact.

So whether it’s helping someone prepare a resume or prepare for an interview – the meaningful experience is that they realize they already have the confidence to apply for any job they desire.

Or whether it’s helping a business owner think through a marketing investment decision – the meaningful experience is that with our thought partnership, they realize they already know what’s best for their business.

What I’m most proud of brand-wise, is our unwavering commitment to our core values: Integrity, Collaboration, and Progress.

Our approach has resonated deeply with our clients. They often tell us that it’s this commitment to their progress that makes their experience with Capital C truly transformative.

What was your favorite childhood memory?
My favorite childhood memory is actually a collection of moments that shaped who I am today. In 1981, my family moved to the United States from Colombia, settling in sunny San Diego, California. I was surrounded by water and sunshine, two things I’ve always loved.

Every weekend, my family spent time outdoors, whether at the beach, the bay, or a park. I remember every sunset as if it were just yesterday, and I can still feel the gentle rock of the waves after a full beach picnic day. If we weren’t outdoors, we were enjoying a show at the theater, attending the symphony, or wandering through a museum.
These experiences imprinted in me a deep love for nature, culture, and spending time with family.

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Image Credits
Chris Prazak
Victor Garcia

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