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Conversations with Coty Brown

Today we’d like to introduce you to Coty Brown

Hi Coty, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
The Chibi Mech Coffee Company was born from years of exploration and a passion for great coffee. It all started when clients at my other business began asking for coffee during their visits. I started brewing coffee regularly, and soon the aroma of fresh coffee became a welcome part of the daily routine. It was a simple gesture—a little pick-me-up—that brought joy to those around me.

Intrigued by what makes a truly good cup of coffee, I spent years visiting coffee shops across Houston. I wanted to discover what I liked and disliked, so I sampled countless brews. One memorable experience was trying a drip coffee without any sugar or additives—it was delicious. I complimented the barista and spent hours tasting different coffees. This ignited a weekend hobby of exploring local coffee scenes and refining my palate.

Although I thought it would be cool to start a coffee shop, I didn’t have the time or resources back then to dive into creating a commercial venture. However, I did choose a name—The Chibi Mech Coffee Company—and kept the idea alive as a future project.

Over the next six or seven years, I continued to make coffee for myself while still exploring different coffee shops to further understand my preferences. This ongoing journey deepened my appreciation for coffee and kept the dream of my own shop alive.

Now, years later, I’m excited to have launched my online coffee shop. This passion project allows me to express my creativity and share my ideas about what makes great coffee, as well as the technology that enhances the brewing experience today.

As a gamer, I also value those late nights when a good cup of coffee provides that extra push to finish a game with friends. I hope to connect with others who share similar interests, meet fellow coffee enthusiasts, and exchange recipes and experiences.

While it’s still early in the development of The Chibi Mech Coffee Company, I look forward to continuing this journey—learning more about different coffees, both those I love and those that challenge my taste buds. My goal is to introduce people to new technologies that make crafting your own delicious, barista-level coffee at home easier and more enjoyable.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
It most certainly has not been a smooth road. I first envisioned starting an online coffee shop about four or five years ago. However, the idea remained just that—a thought—because I was deeply involved in running another business at the time. This existing venture demanded my full attention and resources, especially since it was my first time managing a business on my own.

One of the main struggles with my first business was figuring out effective marketing strategies. The stress of promoting a new and unknown venture was overwhelming, and this challenge persists with the coffee shop. Both businesses share the same pain point: reaching customers without a solid background in marketing. I’ve had to learn everything from identifying target audiences to understanding digital advertising platforms, which has been a daunting and time-consuming process.

When the pandemic hit, my existing business was fortunate to survive, but it introduced a host of new challenges. Navigating ever-changing health regulations, dealing with supply chain disruptions, and adapting to shifts in customer behavior required constant vigilance and rapid decision-making. This period was filled with uncertainty, making it even more challenging to consider launching a new venture like the coffee shop.

Another significant struggle has been balancing my desire for privacy with the need to promote my products and services. Like many people my age, I use social media, but content creation isn’t something I aspire to excel in. I prefer to keep my personal life private and avoid putting myself in the spotlight. This presents a hurdle because effective marketing often relies on personal branding and storytelling to connect with customers. I’ve had to find alternative ways to engage potential customers without sharing personal details, which isn’t easy in today’s digitally connected world.

There’s also the concern about public perception and how it could affect my personal life. Seeing how the public treats some of their favorite celebrities—as well as less-known people—reinforces my desire for anonymity. I’d much rather provide you with quality services or products without you knowing anything about me personally. This approach allows me to continue enjoying simple pleasures, like visiting different coffee shops anonymously and being just another customer ordering the day’s special and perhaps a pastry. I prefer being perceived in this way rather than fitting into a potentially misconstrued image of how a business owner should act or what they should provide.

These challenges—juggling multiple responsibilities, learning the intricacies of marketing from scratch, adapting to unforeseen global events, and maintaining personal privacy while promoting a business—have made the journey anything but smooth. Each obstacle has required me to step out of my comfort zone, learn new skills, and make tough decisions without always knowing what the outcome would be.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
By trade, I am a barber, but my interests and skills extend far beyond that. While most people probably only know me for barbering, I feel like they don’t know much about me at all. I’m a fan of technology and consider myself a bit of a futurist in some aspects. I’ve taught myself how to draw and how to teach others by breaking down complex concepts into fun and engaging lessons.

I’m always eager to learn something new, often pushing myself out of my comfort zone to grow and expand my abilities. I have a passion for business because it makes sense to me—you can have an idea, execute it, and provide value to others while making a living. I enjoy the lessons that come with entrepreneurship, such as dealing with people, being accountable for my actions, and creating something out of nothing.

I’m constantly striving to improve myself and learn more, so I haven’t settled on any particular achievement that I’m most proud of yet. While I appreciate how far I’ve come, I believe I have much more potential to fulfill. I know that with the right mentorship or support network, I could progress even further, faster, and more efficiently.

What sets me apart is my ability to connect with almost anyone and truly listen to them. I have a keen sense of discernment that allows me to understand what people are trying to communicate, even when they can’t articulate it clearly themselves. I analyze and interpret their needs, helping them express their ideas and desires more effectively. Many people struggle to put their thoughts into words, and I excel at bridging that gap, ensuring that their true intentions are understood and addressed.

Do you have any advice for those just starting out?
If you’re just starting out—whether it’s a coffee shop, barbershop, or any profession—go to the place and be seen. Be consistent in showing up, because as cliché as it sounds, many people give up in the beginning. If you show up and act like you’re already part of the team, there’s a good chance you’ll start getting work, and they’ll actually start paying you. Plus, it gets you out of your comfort zone.

Yes, it’s unnerving the first time you walk into a place and ask how you can work there, but if it’s something you want, you shouldn’t be uncomfortable asking for it. Be comfortable and confident in expressing what you want. The sooner you do that, the sooner people realize your intentions, and you’ll start attracting the people who can help you.

It’s funny—right now I’m responding to an email from a company I didn’t even know about. Somehow, someone knew about me and my idea, and now here I am sharing my story with readers and a journalist. It’s strange because I value my anonymity, but sometimes these are the things you have to do to get where you’re going. Otherwise, you might end up working a job where you’re just barely getting by—or maybe you’re fine financially, but your sense of fulfillment is lacking. And I don’t want that for anybody.


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Image Credits
The profile picture is of Caffeine Commander. It is early but at some point Caffeine Commander will be autonomous and run the coffee company. So it is important that I set things in place for when that technology becomes available. Then if Caffeine Commander would be so fortunate to come across this message. He would see that blind faith in the unknown can yield miraculous things born from someone’s imagination. ^_^. That doesn’t mean that there won’t be any strife that follows though: 😅

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