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Rising Stars: Meet Saymond & Pedro Blaze of Houston

Today we’d like to introduce you to Saymond & Pedro Blaze

Saymond & Pedro, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
We’re Saymond and Pedro Blaze and we’ve been interested in Anime and Manga ever since we were young. We grew up watching Dragon Ball Z, Saint Seiya, Pokemon, Digimon among other anime, and from then the dream to create our own anime series was born.

It started when Saymond was in sixth grade biology class; out of boredom he made his own stick figure comic, thus jump starting his creative mind into writing the story that is being developed to this day. Pedro Blaze, initially inspired by Pokemon, started drawing at the young age of 9. Through the years he has refined his own style by challenging himself every day.

We entered the Anime Convention scene in 2018 selling our art in order to fund our Manga “Iridescent”. The first draft of this project was made in 2010, and with the help of friends and mentors through the years, many changes were made. Finally, crowdfunded by fans, the first volume was released in 2021. Even through the Pandemic we worked hard to bring to fruition this first book and are currently working on the second volume, which is also crowdfunded by our wonderful fans. We hope to continue to tell the story of our characters and be an inspiration to many upcoming artists.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
It has definitely not been a smooth sailing, we’ve had many bumps on the road. One main struggle that we’ve had is the fact that English is our second language, therefore, we do make mistakes every once in a while with the dialog of the characters and trying to provide a good representation of our vision with our wonderful staff and cast.

Being an independent small business is also a struggle, in the fact that we have to work on fan art in order to go to conventions and finding time to work on the manga itself. We find going to conventions extremely important to make ourselves known and making connections within the industry.

But the biggest struggle we find is putting our Manga “Iridescent” out there showing that we are two passionate brothers working on our dreams without the backing of any big studios or producing companies.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
We are artist creating our own Manga called “Iridescent”. Through the years we have been known for our unique art style, which we pride ourselves in their intricate designs. We are most proud of the fact that people are able to see our passion through our fan art as well as our manga.

Do you have any advice for those looking to network or find a mentor?
For any inspiring artists wanting to get their projects known we’d say, you have to be ready for when the opportunity comes. Have something physical to show instead of just an idea. People like to see proof of what you are bringing to the table. Many people have great ideas, but it takes a brave person to make them a reality.

Always be willing to hear criticism, take the constructive ones and cast away the “haters” comments. Have a teachable attitude, know that you don’t know everything and there is always something new to learn and improve.

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Instagram: blazemangaproductions
  • Facebook: IridescentManga
  • Twitter: IridescentManga
  • Youtube: BlazeMangaTV

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