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Rising Stars: Meet Dose Stylez of Katy tx

Today we’d like to introduce you to Dose Stylez

Hi Dose, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
Hi, I am Dose Stylez, an experienced artist in creating expressive art. As a young man I grew up influenced by the Urban/ Hip-Hop community. Seeing the Hip-Hop culture unravel In front of me while I was just in Elementary really got me curious about both the musical and the artistic side of the culture.The music spoke about reality and the art simply explained it.The artist of that era really grab my curiosity How they can create such incredible art pieces both lyrically an artistically in such a small amount of time. I was so amazed and blown away that it became an obsession. Soon through time I began to draw letters and to modify them to my liking. Little by little my skill began to grow and it wasn’t until I was in high school that my love for art truly blossomed. It was right there in my second period art class that I realized one day I would become an artist.Sure the after that’s when my dream was born. My dream of one day creating art that will reach people’s hearts and possibly fill their lives with hope and encouragement. Ultimately Hip-Hop gave me the opportunity to express and expand my artistic career like the Fabric of space and time being stretched out and taking us into this journey that we called life. My skills in creating custom logos, business cards, flyers, digital prints and custom spray paint canvases is the expression that I was talking about. This is what Hip-Hop is all about. But in all honesty the greatest skill I have developed as an artist is the gift of Sight. For I see a strong CITY and growing communities that inspire UNITY.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Have I had a smooth journey? I wish my answer was yes but it would be a lie. The truth is…I had it rough. I didn’t know my place in a culture where practising your skill was being identified as good or wack, as a kid stepping into this journey it was very cut throat. Even finding my style was difficult. Trial and error was the game and I had to commit if I wanted to get results. The more I fail, the more I learn. I quickly understood that when I came to a moment of failure I was also learning something new, and the satisfaction of knowing I was advancing gave me that drive. I believe that these obstacles are the true power of an artist. To overturn any situation and make it work on my behalf. Nevertheless every artist also comes across the beautiful cure of the “BURNOUTS” . To explain a BURNOUT is simple. Imagine you want to start a project but your brain doesn’t want to give you any ideas. Like you have a massive safe filled with techniques and tricks methods to make things look so amazing and your brain tells you…Nope better luck next time. My Philosophy to solve this problem is to just give yourself time to relax and let the ideas come to the page like flowing water. Understanding the flow of creativity helps declutter the thoughts of an artist from a good potential idea to just a random idea. Simple is more in this case. Understanding how things flow is as important as knowing my worth. Putting myself in a situation where I could have saved me time and stress. For example; selling myself short and over working my skills just because I wanted a quick sale. This taught me to have more confidence in myself and my art. This lesson of knowing my worth also comes with me learning to separate the artist, the father, the husband, and the businessman. This came to me the hardest. We all want to do everything all at once but, in reality we are made of flesh and blood and we make mistakes. We make bad calls with time and also in communicating with one another. I learned the best way to be able to maneuver with this issue is to write everything down, allowing you to leave your mind clear, and give space to have more in without reaching the Burnout state. Giving you control and breathing room for you to initiate quality time for everyone and still have your task met.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I’m a Jack of all trades. I mainly focus on expressing myself in the most honest way possible. At times this could prove to be a problem due to me being a bit too raw with others but nevertheless that’s how my art is expressed. My creativity comes from these elements. Pencil Sketching, Spray Paint, Handwriting, Digital Illustration, & Screen Printing. All these forms help create my style of work and my dedication comes from each and every element I just spoke about. They all work together like a chain link. One feeds the other and holds it in place for the other to move forward. When all of these elements connect, they become an immovable force. Giving me an unlimited source of ideas, this also helps me a whole lot as a screen printer operator. This skill which brings me Focus in my line of work projects beautiful images that can be reflected upon a t-shirt & you can see for yourself at That’s what I do. My specialty is urban art, spray paint. I know it is getting its fair share of negative outlook but we are moving into the future. What back then was criminal today is considered a work of art, craftsmanship and dedication. This is where my identity comes from. It’s what I’m known for. Even when I was in high school. I was always involved with urban culture. I owe my curiosity to two individuals. The first was the one who taught me how to dance in my freshman year in high school. I call him Brother, others know him as NAMCO. His teaching has still reflected a lot in my life even today. Him teaching me to be consistent and to push past my limits showed me how much control I have over my life. This is a beautiful way to give a young man a purpose and at the same time teaching me to be dedicated and show true commitment. The second individual taught me not to give up in my style and to develop my own skills with practice and dedication. He also left me with an idea. The idea of having something so unique people would kill to have what I bring to the table. What layed on the table you ask? Well it’s my soul, my thoughts, my pain , my love, my anger. I’m mainly proud of how I was able to have these teachings reflect on my art. The proud thought that my art is helping a soul find peace or fall in love with life again. I guess what I’m trying to express here is that my superpower lies with my diversity in art. Giving me my name DOSE STYLEZ.

What was your favorite childhood memory?
The one childhood memory I hold close to me must be when I was 13 years old. It was Christmas of 2003. I remember this so vividly I spent the whole day indoors watching movies. You’re asking why would I spend all day watching movies, when I should be with my family or my friends outside playing. But that wasn’t the case for me this christmas. I was given a portable DVD player and for me it’s a moment of independence. What made this moment so special was the first film I popped in the DVD player, tha film and story is the 1999 iconic movie THE MATRIX starring keanu Reeves. This film was created by Sophia Stewart. This film is so important to me because I understood the message the film and the creator wanted to point out.That important message was the spoon boy. This scene represents that we are all in control of our own world and can change and grow for the better only if we choose too. I Understood that the only person in charge of my life is me. I felt proud of myself for knowing that at such a young age. Like what 13 year old kid is going to be in such a tone with its surroundings and have the mental to express it. That’s why I hold this memory close to me. I won my independence and I freed my mind. Just how Morpheus said to Neo…


  • canvas $65 and up.
  • Logos $55 and up
  • Graffiti Illustration $75 and up
  • Digital Illustrations $60 and up
  • Handwritten Letters $70 and up

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