Today we’d like to introduce you to Rick Prieto
Rick, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I saw a Karate Sign on Ventura Blvd, and went in and started Karate – not knowing it was a Chuck Norris studio. I got my white belt and was working out 40-50 hours a month and soon was assisting the new students on the mat. I was known to my friends as “Rick”. I began my martial arts training in Sherman Oaks, California in 1968. My first instructor was, Pat Johnson, one of Chuck Norris’ first black belts. I trained hard. My first “claim-to-fame”, was as a white belt competing in a tournament called the Four Seasons. The Four Seasons was hosted by Chuck Norris, Bruce Lee, Bob Wall and Mike Stone where I took first place in sparring, twice, some three months apart and was presented with both trophy’s, on two different occasions, by Bruce Lee!
Another interesting highlight of my time putting into training and “going through the ranks”, was as a green belt, I was on the cover of Black Belt Magazine getting kicked by Jhoon Rhee. Pat Johnson was at the Black Belt Magazine studio and called me to ask if I could run down to the studio to pose for some pictures, I went down and posed with Jhoon Rhee and Ken Knudson, they were wondering what pictures to take so I suggested for Mr. Rhee to put his foot in my stomach and I could jump up while he extended his Side Kick and it would look like he kicked me into the air, it ended up on the cover for July 1970.
In 1972, I received my first-degree black belt from Master Chuck Norris, was Head Instructor for Mr. Norris’s Granada Hills, CA Karate Studio and began helping him with demonstrations, along with his brother, Aaron Norris. We did numerous demonstrations at places like the Pantages Theater, the Bob Barker Show and, the Martial Arts Expo at the LA Sports Arena. A memorable night was when they did a demonstration at the, Chinese Grauhman’s Theater in, Hollywood CA for the premiere of ENTER THE DRAGON in front of 13,000 people.
In 1974, Master Norris asked me to move to Virginia and, help open a new, “Chuck Norris Studio” in Norfolk, VA. So, I packed up my belongings and, along with my good friend, Aaron Norris, opened this school and later another studio in, Virginia Beach, VA. During this time, Aaron and I formalized the Chuck Norris teaching curriculum for what would become the Chuck Norris System of Karate and the United Fighting Arts Federation (Mr. Norris’ Black Belt organization).
While teaching in Virginia, I met, Michael D. Echanis a, “Hwa Rang Do” martial artist who, at the time, was training the US Navy SEALs, in Hand-to Hand combat. Myself, and several other instructors began training with Mr. Echanis. When, Echanis went out of town for eight weeks, he asked me to continue teaching the NAVY SEALs while he was away.
In 1980 I moved back to the San Fernando Valley and owned karate schools in Tarzana and Studio City, California and now, my “last school”, “Karate of The Woodlands” in, The Woodlands, Texas.
For many years, I was Chuck Norris’ personal training partner, along with Howard Jackson. We trained for three and a half hours a day, six days a week. (About four to five thousand hours a year.) During these “work-out” periods many of the most famous martial artists in the world would show up and, train with us, notably Richard Norton and Bob Wall with a visit from Charlie Sheen and Randy Travis.
I began my movie career in 1978 with the movie, “A Force of One”, starring Chuck Norris. I am also best remembered for my role as Carlos in Delta Force 2. I have been in many movies and, TV shows since then as, actor, stunt man and/or fight coordinator. My movie and TV work can be seen on the IMBD website.
In 1990 Mr. Norris along with President Bush 41 asked me to head up the Kick Drugs Out Of America program, now called Kickstart, in Houston, Texas, again I picked up and moved my family and I to Texas for Mr. Norris and have been there now for many years.
I received many awards most notably UFAF School Of The Year, Hall Of Fame, Weiland Norris Award, and Most Inspirational. For 7 years BEST MARTIAL ARTS SCHOOL of THE WOODLANDS, TX AND 2 YEARS BEST BUSINESS OF THE WOODLANDS TX.
I am a 9th Degree Black Belt in the Chuck Norris System, a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Krav Maga and a Black Belt in BJJ and has been on the UFAF Board Of Directors for many years.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
One of the most difficult roads was coming out of my introverted personality as I was a very shy individual. For example, if someone were to look at me, I would look the other way so I wouldn’t have to engage in conversation. I overcame this over several years being in martial arts and it brought me out of my shell and eventually put me in a position with the opportunities I would have never imagined.
Another obstacle was when I had my premature babies at 4 months old and would spend 3 to 4 months in the hospital as they fought for their lives at 1 lb 13 ounces and 2 lbs 2 ounces going through invasive neonatal intensive care. They were miracle babies and we also were still running two studios in California.
The last obstacle was when my wife was diagnosed with stage 4 Lung Cancer and given 4 months to live – my partner in life ended up going to heaven July 13, 2015 and fought for 14 months undergoing treatment including radiation and chemotherapy. I got to spend 35 years with her and live a beautiful life together – and now have my children and grandchild to look forward to spending time with.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I am most proud of going from a shy individual to going to become so many accomplishments and opportunities like teaching, owning a school, actor, stuntman, and being able to pass this example on to children and adults of all walks of life throughout my career and the many milestones I have encountered.
I am different because of my lifestyle, I am a pescatarian and choose a healthy lifestyle, still working out everyday alternating between my pushup, sit up and curl routine, using a Marcy Machine and then running a 5K marathon in between days. I also have been teaching since I was 24 and have had class sizes as large as 80 students – the parents tell me I am strict but the kids are disciplined and I can command a room with being firm but have students respond very well.
What does success mean to you?
It’s not wealth or money that defines success but being able to share your knowledge with everyone. It is so rewarding to have students who visit me during their vacations to The Woodlands, making lasting lifetime impressions with students and seeing them all grown up and have children of their own. I have students who bring their kids to train and teaching generations along with seeing my students succeed throughout their life and being a small part of their success.
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Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.karatewoodlands.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karateofthewoodlands/?hl=en
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KarateWoodlands