Today we’d like to introduce you to Brad Wyly.
Hi Brad, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I started my legal career doing defense work for a prestigious law firm in downtown Houston. I spent several years defending companies that distributed asbestos back in the 1960s and 70s. The plaintiffs in these lawsuits were exposed to asbestos fibers and developed various forms of cancer and other maladies. It was truly heartbreaking to see these people suffering simply because they were exposed to a dangerous product while working to provide for their families. I found defending these cases to be extremely difficult from an emotional perspective. I decided very early in my legal career that I would devote my time, energy, and talent to representing people who were injured as a result of the negligent or reckless acts of individuals and corporations. I hung out my shingle in 2008 and I’ve been doing plaintiff’s work ever since. At this point in my career I have represented and successfully resolved thousands of cases for injured motorists, workers, as well as people who have been taken advantage of by their own insurance companies. This type of legal work aligns with my values as a human and I find it deeply rewarding.
I grew up on Galveston island in a family of educators. My Mom was a special education teacher, my aunt was an elementary school teacher, and my uncle was superintendent of Galveston Independent School District. I’ve always had a passion for teaching and I’m fortunate to be able to do so on a part-time basis. I’ve been an adjunct professor at the University of Houston Law Center since 2018. Each semester I, along with several other adjunct professors, teach approximately 20 law students to be civil litigation attorneys. We walk them through everything from how to sign up a client to filing a lawsuit, sending and responding to discovery, arguing motions to compel, taking depositions, and preparing and arguing motions for summary judgment. I find teaching to be very fulfilling and I am extremely blessed to be able to do it and having a thriving law practice.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
When I started my firm back in 2008, I had zero clients. The first couple years were very lean in terms of revenue while I was building up my practice. The vast majority of legal work I was doing at the time was on a contingency fee basis, which is the norm for how plaintiff’s attorneys are paid. This means the attorney doesn’t get paid until the case is resolved (typically through a settlement or a jury trial). In order to keep the firm afloat, I was plundering my savings those first few years. Eventually, the cases I signed up early on resolved and I finally had income to pay the bills. Since that time, we’ve had a few periods where the money was a bit tight. That is just the nature of the plaintiff’s practice. You definitely have to have a tolerance for risk to do this type of work. Ultimately, it has all worked out and I have a thriving practice with many satisfied clients.
Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
My firm prides itself on always putting our clients’ interests first. We exclusively represent individuals and small business owners and almost every case we handle is on a contingency fee basis. That means that we only get paid if we get a successful recovery for our client. I much prefer this fee arrangement because it means that we are in the same boat as our client and rowing in the same direction. Contrast that to defense attorneys who get paid (typically hourly) whether their client wins or loses.
Wyly & Cook, PLLC is respected by attorneys on both sides of the Bar for our dedication to our clients and the quality of our legal work. Our firm has represented thousands of clients over the years obtaining millions of dollars in recoveries on their behalf. We regularly represent people seriously injured by the negligence of others in motor vehicle crashes and workplace accidents. Our firm has also represented thousands of Texas residents against their own insurance carriers who denied, delayed, or underpaid their claims. This is usually in the context of weather-related catastrophes like hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, and hailstorms. As part of our insurance practice, we have also successfully resolved cases involving the wrongful denial of life insurance and health insurance benefits.
Because we are almost always on the opposite side of insurance companies, we’ve developed significant experience in terms of how these corporations can operate adversely and to the disadvantage of their own insureds. We have developed a high level of knowledge regarding the intricacies of insurance policies and how to find coverage for losses when claims are initially denied. I have been asked on numerous occasions by experienced attorneys to review insurance policies to find coverage. Coming up with creative arguments for insurance coverage is hugely important because insurance is often the only source of funds to pay for our client’s losses.
What was your favorite childhood memory?
I grew up in Galveston, Texas and like most kids as a young child I really hated school. I remember being in kindergarten and my parents pulling me out of school around lunch time. I didn’t know why or where we were going and they didn’t tell me. They wanted it to be a big surprise and I was just happy to be getting out of school early. Well we arrived at the local movie theater and low and behold Rocky 3 had just come out and was playing. My parents knew I was a huge fan of the Rocky movies, so this was seriously the best present they could have given me. The movie was incredible and still today is my favorite of all the Rocky movies. I still watch it when it comes on the TV. Eye of the Tiger!
Contact Info:
- Website: www.wylylawfirm.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wyly_cook_law/?hl=en
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wylycooklaw
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bradwyly/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@wylycooklawfirm