Today we’d like to introduce you to Nakisha Cole.
Thanks for sharing your story with us Nakisha. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
Well, I started off with a vision to feed the homeless for Thanksgiving. I would gather up people, friends and family and we would start feeding shelters on Thanksgiving. My passion grew the day I literally stepped inside a shelter.
Donating money every now and then or donating clothes is a no-brainer, but stepping inside of a facility and seeing the women and men and children changed my Purpose. I had to do more. So I gathered a group of people together and formed a team of people dedicated and just as passionate as me.
Eleven years later we are here. Not only do we serve meals on Thanksgiving, we have events for senior citizens on Christmas, we engage in tons of community service for most major holidays and events. I also mentor and teach empowerment seminars for local women shelters in the Houston and Pasadena area.
Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It definitely has not been a smooth road. I had to cry myself to sleep most nights because I expected some people to have the same vision as me. I wanted them to be just as excited as I was to serve and help the community.
Unfortunately, I found out that God gave me my passion for me, and I had to learn that anyone who comes my way to assist is a blessing and not obligated. Once I faced that hurdle and overcame that level of misunderstanding I was okay.
Please tell us about PSBE.
Well PSBE (Purpose-Driven Servants Believing Everyday) is all about giving back and giving back with a purpose. We specialize in women and children because we see the greater need for women and want to help them pick themselves back up and get back on their feet. We are most known for being there for ANYONE in need. I’m most proud of the consistency and stability that goes along with so many obstacles we have faced.
I’m proud of my current members who work extremely hard to ensure that PSBE runs smoothly and we are helping as many people as we can. What sets us apart from others is our commitment and dedication to SERVE God’s people. We never know when life will throw us a curveball, so we stay humble and understand that temporary setbacks are just that. They are temporary. We are here to help others get back on track and regain their dignity, their focus, and their integrity. Sometimes all people need is someone to listen to them and at least understand where they’ve been.
Do you look back particularly fondly on any memories from childhood?
I have so many favorite memories. I believe my favorite was going to the community centers and interacting with all my friends and getting to know people. Growing up in the third ward was a journey but we had fun and I mean fun daily. If it was nothing more than turning on the radio and having a dance contest, we had fun. My childhood was enjoyable
Contact Info:
- Website: http://purpose-drivenservantsbelievingeveryday.org
- Phone: 8326924613
- Email: psbe2009@gmail.com
- Instagram: Instagram.com/purposedrivenservantsbelieving
- Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?ref=bookmarks
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