Today we’d like to introduce you to Zane Carruth.
Zane, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
I wrote the book The World’s First Tooth Fairy…Ever about 25 years ago and put it in a drawer and never did anything else with it. I always want to publish it, but, was absolutely clueless on how to get that accomplished.
I was in Charleston, SC getting my etiquette certification and noticed the instructor self-published a children’s book. I asked her who published it and she said she did. That was all I needed to know. From that point on, I was laser focused on getting my book published. Thank goodness for the internet and Google. Since I totally self-published, I had to find all the answers myself. How do I get an ISBN number and a library of congress number, where do I find a good proof reader, editor and most of all where do I find the best illustrator. After months of tedious work, I finally received the finished product and was overwhelmed with emotion. I’d waited 25 years for that moment and it finally happened.
Has it been a smooth road?
In order to self-publish a book, you have to have absolutely no quit in you. None. The learning curve was enormous and I had no one to get advice from or help. I figured it out on my own thanks to my new best friend Google. I’ve learned from my mistakes and actually re-wrote and re-published the first book to cut out unnecessary words. I am much prouder of The World’s First Tooth Fairy…Ever Second Edition.
I also learned from the first book, to proof, proof, and proof. Since I hired 3 different proof readers, the mistake I made was not in the text, but, in the illustrations. I have since learned to print the entire book including the illustrations and proof it in a book formation and not one page after another.
We’d love to hear more about your business.
I have several businesses. Carson Marketing, LLC and Etiquette to Excel. Carson Marketing focuses on publishing and promoting my books. That in itself is a full time job.
Etiquette to Excel gives me an opportunity to work in an area I have a passion for. I am a huge believer that neither money nor education sets us apart from one another. Etiquette does. Having a firm grasp on business etiquette, dining etiquette, social etiquette, etc. gives people an extra level of confidence. Having great social etiquette provides us with the tools needed to navigate in unfamiliar territory with unfamiliar people.
I have articles published in several magazines and would like to syndicate a column at some point.
Is our city a good place to do what you do?
Houston is a great city for every business due to the enormous diversity of cultures, people, art, etc. The resources available in Houston are boundless. And as we all know, good resources lends itself to success. I have found Houston to be a very friendly place.
- The price of my books are $14.95 for the hardbacks and $5.99 for the coloring and activity books
- The price for a white paper on a specific part of the world is $500
Contact Info:
- Address: 5110 San Felipe #393 W Houston, Texas 77056
- Website: www.carsonmarketing.com www.worldsfirsttoothfairy.com www.etiquettetoexcel.com
- Email: zcarson@carsonmarketing.com
- Instagram: @zcarruth @worldsfirsttoothfairy
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