Today we’d like to introduce you to Lee Ann Hilbrich.
Lee Ann, we’d love to hear your story and how you got to where you are today both personally and as an artist.
I actually don’t think my story is that unique. I believe we are all creative beings, and sometimes we just forget and fall asleep. Thankfully, I re-discovered that I was a creative being in 2013 when I took an online art journaling course led by Dr. Brené Brown. Since that re-awakening, I haven’t stopped taking creativity classes, whether in-person or online. Diving into creativity and embracing imperfection changed and expanded my life in ways I could have never expected. I live a much bigger life now than I had ever dreamed because of the power of creativity and how it connects and builds upon every aspect of ourselves and our lives. I went from being a full-time psychotherapist in a non-profit, faith-based organization for seven years, thinking I would be content to continue in that way my whole life, to following the magic and founding my own creative healing business, Daring Discoveries, in 2016. I love sharing the discoveries that have been helpful to me on my journey, so as a very part-time holistic psychotherapist, a registered yoga teacher, a certified facilitator of Dr. Brené Brown’s work, and a full-time playful artist, I create and lead experiences online and in-person to help others tap into their creative souls and live a more wholeheARTed and compassionate life.
We’d love to hear more about your art. What do you do you do and why and what do you hope others will take away from your work?
Even now, when I tell people I’m an artist, the first question I usually receive is about what medium I create in. I usually just say “everything!” I love discovering and I allow what inspires me to lead the way. Nature, love, and courage always inspire me, but I love to learn and when I heard research that showed free playing with bricks could increase your creativity, I made a creation out of LEGO bricks every day for a year (even though I wasn’t really a LEGO person) and posted it to my Instagram account. It more than worked and I even made an e-course inspired by it where people can play with the 8 experience lessons I learned and “UnBLOCK their Creative Magic.” Committing to a creative daily practice has been life-changing for me, and so I also made an e-course called 100 Days of Building Creativity where you can choose to build something into your life for 100 days and receive support and encouragement.
I’ve played around with Chinese Brush Painting, tea ceremony, random acts of kindness, Bible art journaling, zentangling, yoga, and more. I love seeing what my soul needs in a particular season and devoting that period of growing strong roots for it as research shows that the amount of time can really break and build habits. Even when I’m not doing a 100-day experiment, I’m always doing some form of daily art and yoga practice as there are power and serendipity that comes from daily practice. The spirit of creativity opens you up to the unknown, surprises you daily, and reminds you that everything is connected and nothing is ever wasted! I want others to be able to have those experiences and if I can inspire just one person to listen and courageously act upon a creative impulse they have in their heart instead of allowing the fears and doubts to drive, then my hopes have been met.
The stereotype of a starving artist scares away many potentially talented artists from pursuing art – any advice or thoughts about how to deal with the financial concerns an aspiring artist might be concerned about?
I have had many times where no one or only one person came to an event I was leading. It’s also hard to continue sharing online if you compare your impact in terms of likes or followers to others. To me, the key is to stay focused on your why. I wouldn’t be where I am if it wasn’t for the bravery of other creatives shining light for me and so I want to pass it on and give others creative courage because I know that it is life changing.
Do you have any events or exhibitions coming up? Where would one go to see more of your work? How can people support you and your artwork?
My life is my artwork and I’m always sharing online or in-person. Instagram is a place I share a lot and you can see my current sources of inspiration, which are tea (thanks to Global Tea Hut), trees, Chinese Brush painting, and spirit (my word of the year) right now. I also share art and reflections on my blog.
You can also come join me! I’d love to have you in either of my online courses or if you are in the Greater Houston area, at a local event. I teach art and yoga nature experiences and facilitate Brené Brown’s work through retreats and workshops in Houston and Clear Lake. In addition to creativity, the other big area I’m passionate about is self-compassion and I lead an annual in-person Self-Compassion Saturday retreat. The 4th annual Self-Compassion Saturday will be April 6, 2019, at The Jung Center in Houston, a place I love to take classes from. In fact, it was by taking a zentangle class there and then continuing to develop it that I ended up creating a giant zentangle pear for the City of Pearland’s fiberglass art installation! I’ve met some of the most amazing people and practices that have given me the love and inspiration I needed for the next part of my path when I said yes to a class or retreat or experience! You simply never know where saying a brave yes to something that is calling to you will lead, so I hope you will say yes to those opportunities in your life!
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Getting in touch: VoyageHouston is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.