Today we’d like to introduce you to sara cuce.
sara, we’d love to hear your story and how you got to where you are today both personally and as an artist.
I took my first photograph at 15 years old, when I found a camera in my Dad’s drawer.
I didn’t really know what happened but I felt in love with the sound of the shutter. For this very reason, I’ve always preferred analog old cameras instead of the newest ones.
I was born in Italy and Photography has always been my hobby and my main passion. When I was 19, I decided to leave everything (university, friends, family) and I moved to London, in order to study Photography.
Four years later, I finally graduated in photography at London Metropolitan university (in 2017) and I’ve been shortlisted and awarded in many international photography competitions, such as LensCulture Magnum Photography awards, Royal Photographic Society IPE 160, Photography on a Postcard 2017, Magnum PrintSwap Shop 2017. I am now keep on with my projects independently.
We’d love to hear more about your art. What do you do you do and why and what do you hope others will take away from your work?
My medium is photography. During the last 5 years I’ve started working with analog cameras and traditional techniques of developing and printing. I like to experiment as much as I can, and I don’t like to control the processes. My recent experiments are focused on in-camera double exposure on film. What I do is shooting the film first and then I rewind the whole film in order to shoot it again. The results are often left to chance and I love to be surprised sometimes. But I must say that I also control the process a bit, to make sure that my final photo is not just a mess but It conveys a message. The message is very essential to me. The subject of the photo could be a feeling, and emotion, a statement, a quote, a portrait, anything that is relevant to me and inspire me or helps me conveying a message.
Do current events, local or global, affect your work and what you are focused on?
The role of artist has dramatically changed. In some ways, the social media platforms and the fact that everyone possess and use a mobile phone, is already a progression in history that makes us all ( humanity) in the same position of a photo reporter or journalist. Most of the recent relevant facts have been recorded by civilians with mobile phones and then shared worldwide through social media platform.
If we just keep this in consideration, we can realize how dramatically everything changed very fast in the arts world. However, I feel that the Artists still have the power and the influence to send good inputs, good message to the world, to inspire the people, to inform people, to relieve people.
Do you have any events or exhibitions coming up? Where would one go to see more of your work? How can people support you and your artwork?
I have a personal website : http://www.saracuce.com/ , an Instagram account that I update regularly with new works : https://www.instagram.com/sara_cuce/ and a facebook artist page that it’s great if someone wants to stay in touch with me or collaborate : https://www.facebook.com/cucesara/
I am very open to collaboration, discussions and experimentations with other artists.
I think that the real growth of a person and an artist come from the exchanges with other people, from sharing and experiencing.
On request, I also sell handmade print of my photos that I personally print on demand in darkroom and ship worldwide.
Contact Info:
- Address: London, UK
- Website: http://www.saracuce.com/
- Email: cuce.sara@gmail.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sara_cuce/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cucesara/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/sara_cuce?lang=en
Image Credit:
All rights reserved Sara Cucè, 2018