Today we’d like to introduce you to Vanessa Perry.
Hi Vanessa, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I️ was a loan officer prior to being in the credit repair industry. While I️ was a loan officer we gained a major commercial account. We were handed over 80 files. Soon after receiving the files I️ realized none of them could qualify for a loan. I️ figured I️ would be the hero and send them to credit repair in order to qualify. To my surprise, the credit repair person disconnected his phone after 30 days. At that moment, it was my mission to find a credit repair company that did what they said they were going to do. After 2 1/2 years of searching, I️ found a company that had proven results. I️ continued to send my business there. Unfortunately, the customer service was lacking. While dealing with credit repair companies I made a list of all the things I would do differently if I owned a credit repair company. The list included: Great customer service, educating my clients, transparency, and 24/7 access. After 2 years of sending my business there, the owner offered to sell me a credit repair system of my own. He saw that I️ was passionate about the credit repair business. Initially, I️ thought I️ would be the loan officer that fixed my client’s credit and did their loan. After my first month of repairing credit, I️ knew I️ wanted to do it full time. I️ began with advertising on billboards, TV commercials, and radio stations. I️ also started networking with real estate professionals. I️ decided to let my loan officer’s license expire as I️ did not want any conflict of interest. I️ chose not to have any salespeople as I️ felt that it was very common in the credit repair business for people to over promise and under deliver. I️ went through a period of time where larger companies with many salespeople would steal my corporate accounts. However, I️ chose to stick with my initial intentions in order to remain true to my clients. At one point, I️ had several builder accounts who directed me to drop my clients at a 640 credit score. At a 640 the clients would be able to qualify, but not receive the best rate. Since the builders sent the clients directly, I️ had to abide by their rules. It made me feel uncomfortable by not being able to help my clients achieve the best rate. I️ eventually made the decision to stop working with builders and just focus on the consumer. This gave me the ability to work with clients until they achieve 750+ credit scores in order to get the best rates. By giving up corporate accounts it did create a huge loss in revenue, but I️ now have so many more testimonials from grateful clients that were able to achieve elite status. I️ am not the cheapest credit repair company, I️ am not the largest, but I️ am the most thorough. My program consists of building good trade lines owned by the client, not bought. We fully educate each client so when their time with Impeccable Credit Services is up they know exactly what to do to achieve Impeccable Credit. Fast forward 18 years later, I️ have watched many companies come and go, but we are still here and constantly expanding. Our primary source of advertising now is by word of mouth. We not only have client referrals, but they send their children and grandchildren to us. When our current clients contact us it is common for them to say they have been referred by 4-5 people before calling. We currently have two physical locations and have clients all over the world.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
It by far has not been a smooth road. Some of our struggles have been internal and external. In the beginning, sometimes you work just to pay your staff. There are times when, like other small business owners you put your business before yourself. Instead of working 40 hours a week you work 60-80. Vacations are few and far between. Family time is almost always secondary. Client calls are priority. One of the challenges is finding employees that value the clients as much as I️ do. Many clients want Impeccable results, but they do not want to follow our guidelines. We require our clients to trust the process and follow instructions.
Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Impeccable Credit Services?
Our motto is repairing credit, changing lives. Our goal is for everyone to have Impeccable Credit (750+ credit scores)! Along with repairing credit, we focus on building credit and educating our clients, so that they fully understand all things credit related. This way they are not spending forever on false information that can potentially hurt them in the future. We are not your typical credit repair company. We have been in business for over 18 years with two physical locations. As a former loan officer, I️ understand mortgage guidelines, and have the ability to differentiate what is best for restoring credit and closing a loan. I️ consider all of my clients home buyers as a former loan officer. This is because I️ believe all of my clients have the potential of being homeowners. The qualification process is already tedious as is. I️ understand banking guidelines as well. This makes it easier to make a custom plan accordingly for each of my clients based off of their current financial situation. I️ teach my clients how to buy cars at the best rate. I️ have a finance degree from the University of Houston. I️ graduated in 2020 in order to assist my clients on other aspects of their financial futures. I️ am most proud of our customer service capabilities and how we are for the client’s best interest 100 percent.
Risk taking is a topic that people have widely differing views on – we’d love to hear your thoughts.
Becoming a full-time entrepreneur is one of the biggest risks that anyone can take. You must not only believe in your business, but also yourself and your values. As an entrepreneur, you risk everything for your business. In the beginning, you do not know if your business is going to survive. You have to put your personal credit on the line, any assets, along with your time. Working another job just to keep your business afloat is not uncommon for entrepreneurs. The first thing that people think when they hear entrepreneurs is freedom. It is in fact the exact opposite, you live to work.
Contact Info:
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- Website: www. - Instagram: https://www. impeccablecreditservices/ - Facebook: https://www. - Youtube:
com/channel/ UCZghop1kNRN2OA7w63xwckg - Yelp:
biz/impeccable-credit- services-houston
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