Today we’d like to introduce you to Erin Fenner.
Erin, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
My journey to a simpler life began when my husband and I purchased our first home. When we first received our keys, I was so excited about moving into our new space and making it our own. However, I quickly became discouraged as the movers brought box after box after box of items into my perfect, empty, clean house. I couldn’t believe how much we had packed into a 2 bedroom apartment. For the first time ever, I became aware of just how much stress and frustration my stuff was causing me.
I had reached my limit and I knew it was time to make a change. I began attacking my “junk” with a vengeance. If it didn’t add value to my life, it had to go. As I began to tidy up with fierce determination, something amazing happened. For every item that went out the door, I gained back valuable real estate in my heart, my soul, and my mind. I started to feel like myself again, because I had made a place for the things I valued the most. I had room to breathe.
I couldn’t help but share the freedom that I’d found by learning to let go of my clutter. I was telling everyone I knew, which eventually led to speaking engagements at my home church and other local women’s groups. At the encouragement of my husband and several strong women in my life, I recently launched TidyHive, a blog & online community where women and their families can find inspiration and encouragement to clear the clutter and make room for the things that are most important to them.
We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc. – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
No, it hasn’t been an easy road. It takes a lot of courage and vulnerability to put yourself and your ideas out there in front of others, and I don’t always feel brave. In the internet age, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by how many others are doing the same thing that you are. Doubt will creep in and suck the motivation and confidence right out of you. I’m definitely not the only voice out there who are sharing the message of simple living, but I am the only one who can share my story with my own unique voice. So, that is my advice to other women who are starting their journey, you are the only one who can tell your story, share your experiences, and fulfill the dream that’s in your heart. Don’t trivialize the message, or business, or skill, or product, etc. that you’ve been given to share. Small step by small step by small step, you will defeat doubt, if you keep moving forward. The world is anxiously waiting for you to do the things you were made to do. You may just hold the key to changing someone else’s life.
So let’s switch gears a bit and go into TidyHive story. Tell us more about the business.
My primary focus has been one-on-one in-home decluttering, downsizing, staging garage & estate sales, and speaking at small, intimate gatherings. Additionally, I recently launched my blog, TidyHive, which provides real-life inspiration, practical resources and a place for connecting with others who want to live a clutter-free life. My favorite part of what I do is seeing mindsets shift and joy return as clients bring order to the chaos that has been holding them captive. As the clutter starts to go, the realization sets in that they DO have the time, space, and money to pursue their passions, focus on family, and to just breathe a little. There is freedom in that, and a big part of my message is that that this simpler life is attainable for everyone. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on matching containers, complicated shelving systems, or label makers. All of those things are fine, but they’re not a requirement for purposeful and intentional life. You can start today with just your two hands, a box, and a little encouragement.
What do you feel are the biggest barriers today to female leadership, in your industry or generally?
I think the number one barrier to female leadership is Impostor Syndrome. If you’re here and breathing, then you have probably experienced this at some point in your life. It’s the belief that you are incompetent and at risk of being exposed as a fraud, even if there is plenty of evidence to suggest that you are successful and highly skilled. It’s the voice inside your head that says: “no one is going to show up, you’re not good enough, people will be disappointed, you’ll never make money at this, they will never respect you, etc.” Although men can also experience this phenomenon, women working in male-dominated industries and female entrepreneurs are the most susceptible to this trap, and it’s the reason so many women quit before they even get started. I know that I’ve personally struggled with this many times throughout my career, and it still creeps up on me. My advice is to keep moving forward, even when you’re scared, and you will be victorious in pursuing the thing you’ve set out to do. There are days when you will have to be your own biggest cheerleader. Tell your soul to be brave, and it will listen. To quote Henry Ford, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”
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Image Credit:
Headshots: Sterling Regard Photography
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