Today we’d like to introduce you to Deja Jackson.
Hi Deja, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
My journey to establishing the Dose of Dej was one that was filled with tons of self-doubt. I have always had this longing to be my own boss, I just never truly thought it would be possible. I am sure there are others who can relate in feeling like we must focus on one thing and perfect that craft whatever it may be. In living this one-dimensional life (as it felt), I worked towards my long-term goal of obtaining my bachelor of science in nursing. I am still very much so on the path to completing this goal of mine soon. However, one day along the way I realized that I did not have to limit myself to one thing, nor did I have to wait until I obtained my degree to start doing all of the things that I am passionate about. With this thought in mind, I began my business plan and in January of 2022, I soft-launched Dose of Dej.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
This journey has not been an easy one. There are times when self-doubt still presents itself. I am a full-time nursing student and I work full-time in the ICU/ER. Between balancing school, work and the trials and tribulations that we all face, I had to be very intentional with my time and energy.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
In bringing Dose of Dej to life, I realized so much about mindfulness and how much I needed to make an effort to pour into myself so that I can continue to pour into others and I know that there are many individuals who struggle with the same. Being that my first true passion is the medical field and advocating for women and people of color within our healthcare system, I decided to make sure my brand embodied that. With all of this in mind that is where the wordplay of “Dose of Dej” comes in. Our soft launch in January of 2022 began with customized facials and teeth whitening sessions. As we have expanded, our focus and specialty has more so remained on teeth whitening. Dose of Dej is about all things self-care and taking that time to be intentional with yourself and your time. The long-term goal is to eventually bring things full circle and offer medical aesthetic services and potentially even open up a birthing center here in Houston.
If we knew you growing up, how would we have described you?
Growing up, I was pretty shy/reserved and to myself. You could always find me reading/writing, singing, or playing doctor on one of my family members. I always wanted to help and I found myself observing others so that I could know how to better navigate situations.
- Express Session (August Special) $50
- Deluxe Session (August Special) $100
- Selfcare Sundays (August Special) 2 people for $120
Contact Info:
- Website: https://BookDoseofDej.as.me/
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/aadoseofdej?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
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