Today we’d like to introduce you to Kayla Blackwell.
Kayla, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
As a child, I used to pierce myself and my friends just for fun but I never really knew it could be a career. I graduated high school with a cosmetology degree, In 2014 I started threading eyebrows at the Longview mall When the owner of Fugis tattoo shop became my client, She told me that she wanted me to work for her, and there my journey began. My beginning days of piercing consisted of piercing nostrils with nostril screws and a very loose guide to what was acceptable and not for functionality and proper healing, as the years progressed the right people were put in my path and in 2016 I attended my 1st conference with the association of professional piercers. I learned so much about my trait and attended a conference once again in 2018. I worked for Fugis tattoo shop in Longview Texas from 2014 all the way till 2022 when I decided to move 3 1/2 hours away from home and open a body art Piercing studio. It was a very bold and scary move, Leaving my home where I had a reputation and all of the amazing clients I could ask for, to a way a bigger city where no one knew who the heck I was, But I knew that Fugis would never be mine and I am getting older so it’s time I start thinking about my future. Out of respect for Fugis, I decided to open a shop far enough away that it wouldn’t affect their business, We have been open here in Houston since May 20, 2022 and it has honestly been the best decision of my life!
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Opening this business was an emotional roller coaster as I was leaving clients behind in Longview and having to start brand new. We found a building and signed the lease in October but the landlord did not tell us that the building was not ready for occupancy, It took from October till March for the building to finally passed inspection, We drove back-and-forth to Longview every single weekend just to pierce for several months, It was not easy but it was definitely worth it.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I am a professional body piercer. I specialize in giving people a calm, sterile, safe piercing in a place where they can talk freely and be themselves. I love decorating peoples body’s and making them feel empowered and excited about their new look when they leave. I am known for being a caring body piercer and person. I am most proud of opening my very own business. What sets us apart from others is that we are passionate about what we do. We are not in it for the money so we won’t just pierce you if you don’t have proper anatomy to carry the piercing, or if it’s not a healthy piercing for you to get. We are honest down to earth people. When I say we, I am talking about me and my life partner/piercing partner Riley.
Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
We are new to Houston but not to body piercing! We carry implant-grade titanium jewelry, along with 14k and 18k gold! We have tons of jewelry options avalible, and would love to get to know you guys!
Contact Info:
- Website: Bodyartpiercingstudio.business.site
- Instagram: Bodyartpiercingstudio
- Facebook: Body art piercing studio