Today we’d like to introduce you to Taneisha Mcintosh.
Hi Taneisha, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
My name is Taneisha, I am the owner of Intentions Apothecary, where I handcraft waistbeads for women seeking to build a deeper connection with self and Spirit. Unlike other waisbeads companies, I create waistbeads with the intent of empowering women to achieve their highest potential. I’m known for my custom crystal waistbeads and spiritual consultations, where I assist women navigate through life’s challenges. My goal is to provide sacred tools that help modern women maintain a deep connection with self, Spirit, and their ancestral mothers.
I started making waistbeads after purchasing a bead from a small business on Instagram. I remember waiting a while for the package to arrive and being underwhelmed with the presentation. So I decided I would make them myself. I’m not sure why I decided to add healing crystals to my designs, but the idea came organically. Prior I had acquired a modest collection of crystals and had a few experiences as well. So, maybe it was more like a science experiment. I decided to just try it out and see what happens, which is kind of how I started on my spiritual path.
I know that this is about my business but Intentions Apothecary is the manifestation of my healing. It’s hard to talk about my business without talking about my personal life. My experience fuel my passion, and push me to reach my highest potential.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
I started making waistbeads after I was diagnosed with HSV2 or herpes. I was so full of shame and isolated myself from the world. I felt as if I was “damaged goods”, and found myself in a deep depression. I adopted unhealthy habits as a way to cope with the shame. But, I found peace through making waisbeads. I was able to calm, clear my mind, and focus on the energetic needs of my clients. Stringing beads quickly turned into a form of mediation.
One late night while making a waistbead, I had a thought: “I am not my body. I don’t need a man to validate my experience as a woman. I want a partner but I don’t NEED one.”
That experience brought a tough realization. I truly had no sense of self-worth or value. If I was going to overcome the herpes stigma and love my life… I have to learn to love Taneisha first, including all my flaws. The challenges I’ve overcome in my personal life have given insight on how to overcome obstacles within my business.
Now that I am a mother, and I feel even more pressure to be an example of a strong woman for my daughter. I’ve experienced life as a victim, and I want to show my daughter how to live like a BOSS. I find myself challenging myself to be more transparent and to share my full story. In the past, I’ve been very vague about my motivation, and I feel in a way I’ve done a disservice to people with similar struggles.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
Unlike most waistbead companies who focus on mass production. I focused on the holistic care of my clients. I create custom waistbeads based on the energetic needs of my clients, and thanks to ADHD, I never make the same bead twice. I also provide a ritual for those seeking to move past generational trauma. I am also known for my Wash and Reset readings, where we consult spirit on ways to maneuver through difficult challenges. At the end of the reading, I prescribe a spiritual bath to cleanse the aura.
What were you like growing up?
As a child, I was the person my friends would talk to about their problems. I was also the butt of jokes amongst friends and some family. So, I naturally learned to “fall in line” with the crowd. I was somewhat timid, but people always seemed to open up to me. I was the kid befriending the “odd kidd” because I knew how it felt to be lonely. As my mom’s only child and my father’s middle child, I often find myself toddling between two identities.
I had a lot of energy and would play outside for hours. I would collect flowers and create different “perfumes”. I would even make dance routines and perform for my mom. I was always trying to find a way to express myself.
- Wash & Reset Consultation $65.55: During this reading, we will use tarot to consult with your higher guides and ancestors on ways to maneuver through emotional blockages. Following reading a spiritual bath will be handcrafted and shipped. (pick up available for Houston area).
- Custom Wombbead Consult $35: During this consultation, I will pull one card to determine which healing crystal will best serve you. This reading is done via messaging/email.
- Intuitive Reading $45.55 (30 minutes)
Contact Info:
- Email:
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- Facebook:—Holistic-Health-Service/Intentions-Apothecary-102208421525967/