Today we’d like to introduce you to Vanessa Fuentes.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
As a child, I aspired to be a model, business owner & entrepreneur. My love for modeling began when I was young, I use to imagine the section where the mirror was facing at my runway; and would walk back & forth in my mom’s heels just waving to all the objects around as if they were my audience. But my passion and love for this continued to grow, thereafter I started watching VS Fashion Shows aspiring to runway models like Miranda Kerr, Adriana Lima, Eva Mendes & more. After sometime, my ultimate goal was to be scouted by an agency. The hope that an agency would consider me to become one of their models was my dream. With a lot of time & patience, finally, an agency reached out & signed me the same day of the casting. This was such an exciting moment and the beginning of my journey. My first feature was published on the front cover of the Detroit Free Press newspaper. In addition, I’ve been featured in music videos like, Young Thug, LilGotIt, Babyface Ray, CashKiddMarcc, PayrollGiovanni, and the list goes on. It’s been such an experience that it allow me to become not only the model I wanted to be but also open avenues to other dreams I had. As I continued to pursue my passion, new opportunities opened up for me along the way. Not only can I call myself a model but also CEO of Lavish Society Modeling Agency, and owner of Mirame Body Sculpting. Today I can say, I am thankful for many accomplishments and goals I’ve reached throughout my life but mainly thankful to my family & friends who supported me along the way.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
It definitely has not been an easy road to be where I am at today. As a child growing up, my family decided to move from NY to Detroit when I was 10, and life in Detroit then was dangerous. At the time Detroit was one of the top 10 cities with highest crime rates. There was a point in my life where seeing bodies laying around was almost normal. During this era, statistics were also skyrocketing with young pregnancies, including myself. As a young teen mom, it was not an easy ride, I knew I didn’t have much to provide and society was not making it any easier. Becoming a young mom put a halt to my goals but within this angel, it also brought me strength, motivation & blessings in life. However several thought that being a teen mom was the end to my life and dreams. Many including my intermediate family believed I was just another number in the rate and was never to going to be more than what I had then which was being a mom with no education, or anything to provide for to my child. It was then when I woke up and realized can’t nothing stop me but myself. I took the initiative to sacrifice the lovely moments in life seeing your baby grow to become the women & mom I needed to be. My life completely changed from working 9-5 job to attending school 4 days a week. After 7 years, I can now say, I received my Associate’s Degree in General Business & Management, Certified in Medical Administrative Assistant, CEO of Lavish Modeling Agency & Business owner of Mirame Body Sculpting. In conclusion, without living those obstacles I wouldn’t be thankful for all of my accomplishments today.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
There are many milestones and accomplishments I am very proud of. Yet at one point in life, I thought I wasn’t going to reach my dreams, it was a moment when I felt stuck and didn’t know what direction to move in. Before Covid, my life was nowhere near to what it is now. It wasn’t until Covid, my life changed to everything I wanted it to be. Sure it wasn’t easy, transitioning from being a full-time accountant to pursuing my dream as a model. It was until then when I realized in order to keep up with my dream and continue to keep with my day-to-day responsibilities I was going to hustle harder than before. Many sleepless nights, but with consistency and determination goals can be met. Now, I wake up and know that every day depends on me and what I bring home, but I love what I do and no can take that away. I turned my passion, my dream into my daily job. Becoming a boss will never be easy, it’s all about how much you want it. Today, I can say I still have a long way to go but not only am I a model, but a business owner and entrepreneur. The only thing that sets me apart but not any different from an entrepreneur is can no one stop me but myself. Every move I’ve made in life and continue to make is bc God send me an angel to find a reason in life.
Are there any apps, books, podcasts, blogs or other resources you think our readers should check out?
Years ago, my daughter’s father gifted me a book, during this time I was going through my lowest moments in life. My self esteem was so low and felt as I was failing my daughter. When I went home and started to go over the book, instantly I began to cry. I know I was holding it but felt like if it wasn’t for this book I wouldn’t let go. If there is any book I want anyone to read is 366 Devotions “New Beginnings”By Solly Ozrovech. It will inspire you to not only believe in yourself, find your purpose and yourself.
Contact Info:
- Email: DreamVeeBaby@gmail.com
- Instagram: Instagram.com/DreamVeeBabyy
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dreamveebaby
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/dreamveebabyy
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/janalie07
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