Today we’d like to introduce you to Nicholas Hardy.
Hi Nicholas, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
I have always been intrinsically compelled to help people. While I did not know it would come in the form of counseling, per se, I always dreamed about being of service to those in need. However, I went a different route in college. The lure of making a lot of money, with a fancy title came in the form of me pursuing a career in commercial real-estate. I never dreamed about this type of career, but money was how I originally defined success. Ironically, while taking courses in economics and finance in college, in my spare time, I was reading books like the “The Five Love Languages”, and anything relationship focused. Fast forward to when the market crashed, I was unemployed and sleeping on a blow-up mattress at a friend’s house in Atlanta. In a way, I was relieved because I knew this was a perfect time to transition. I always wanted to live abroad and learn Spanish, so within weeks, I booked a one-way flight to Buenos Aires, Argentina. I never learned Spanish while there (epic fail) – but I did refocus and was able to declutter mentally from the opinions of others. This alone, gave me the courage to go after what I truly believed in. After returning to the United States, I was accepted into the University of Texas Arlington’s School of Social Work. Before enrolling and up until I moved to Houston in 2016, I worked as a Mental Health Specialist, Counselor in an Outpatient substance abuse facility, a Charter school, and with several other nonprofit organizations. I came to Houston, in part, because I was accepted into the Ph.D. program in their Graduate College of Social Work. While going to school full-time, I also worked full-time as a Counselor. Again, I always knew I wanted to start my own counseling practice, but it takes considerable time to become licensed to practice independently. However, when the time finally came – I started Nic Hardy Counseling Services ( When I reflect on my decision to move to Argentina over ten years ago, where I am today, is exactly where I envisioned. I am able to do what I love and help people in the process. It’s both a dream come true, and a dream still in process.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
It definitely has not been a smooth road, but in hindsight, I can’t imagine it any other way. Here is an example of several of those struggles: Academically: I have always had a hard time in school. When I applied to graduate school, I was denied admissions several times because of my extremely low undergraduate GPA. However, I was eventually admitted on a probationary standing, but during this process, I frequently questioned if this was meant to be. Fundamentally I always knew it was, but not excelling at school can weigh heavy on your confidence at times. Time with Family: When I got married and had my daughter in 2016, I was also working two jobs and going to school full-time in the Ph.D. program at the University of Houston. The amount of time I spent away from home was unbelievable. I always wanted to be a great father and husband. However, working at that level can play a toll on your family. I remember vividly one of my daughter’s first words was “daddy work”. It was heartbreaking, but true, nonetheless. Again, there were many others but these stand out the most.
Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
Nic Hardy Counseling Services is a private counseling practice in Houston. I work with adult individuals and couples who are experiencing challenges relationally, and/or who need to address issues related to their social and emotional health. I am known for my authenticity, and being able to help people work through real issues. When people work with me, they feel safe being themselves in a way that even they may not have imaged. It is gift for sure, but I also know that if real change is ever to occur, this is the place it starts. From a brand perspective, I am most proud that my brand represents me. It’s who I am. I have not adjusted to get more clients or safely presented myself to avoid discomfort. I intentionally go after aspects of life and relationships that we try to hide or mask out of fear.
What would you say have been one of the most important lessons you’ve learned?
Risk is inevitable if you are truly going to have what you desire. This is true in business, but also in counseling. When we embrace our own fears, and not let them prevent us from taking risk, our only regret is that we did not do it sooner. This occurs in relationships, reaching out for help, or simply being honest with ourselves – not risking is the only failure.
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- Facebook: nichardycounseling
- Twitter: nichardycs