Today we’d like to introduce you to Bilal Rehman.
Hi Bilal, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
My story is not one typical for someone with two Immigrant parents. Growing up I always had an itch for creativity and I would constantly be dabbling in anything from sketching fashion designs to helping my sister with her YouTube channel or constantly re-arranging the furniture in my house and getting yelled at for it (can you guess which one stuck?).
I realized quickly I had a passion for designing interiors and I knew that it was something I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing, so right out of high school at the ripe age of 18 I got my first entry-level internship and I was thrilled. At first, my parents and I didn’t see eye to eye on Interior Design being my career as they didn’t see it as a “traditional” path to success, just as any parent would, they were worried about my future.
I ended up studying computer engineering for my first year of college. I didn’t mind it in the beginning, I felt I could release my creativity through building beautiful apps and websites and still be happy, wrong. Through my internship, I fell deeper in love with interior design and knew this was something I had to do. It scratched all my creative itches and let me express myself in ways that not only I loved, but my clients did as well.
I kept pitching my designs and ideas until a couple of them began to stick, suddenly I was working my way up partnering on projects and getting real clients of my own. The more I learned about the industry the more my hunger for this career grew. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do but I finally convinced my parents and I switched majors.
As I continued to climb the ladder at my internship, I began to take on higher-end jobs, build connections and become the talk around town as the youngest interior designer in Houston. After 4 years of that journey, I decided to take the leap and launch Bilal Rehman Studio. Since its launch, it has been nothing but a huge success. People seem to enjoy and understand how unique our designs are and recognize that it’s something Houston hasn’t seen before!
The concept of experienced-based designs was not recognized nearly enough here in Houston’s design scene until Bilal Rehman Studio came to be and there’s not a single thing I would change. With love for this industry, it’s time for change and that’s precisely what I plan on doing.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
My journey in building Bilal Rehman Studio has been anything but easy. Taking it back to the beginning, one of the largest obstacles I had to face was myself. Convincing myself that I can create this business and believing in myself was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. Taking the risk of deviating away from the common path and not choosing a traditional career like my peers was something that I spent so much time weighing out.
After trusting myself and breaking through my mental limitations the next hard part began; convincing everyone else around me that I could do it too. I spent countless months working and giving my blood, sweat, and tears into every single project I could get my hands on, and if you know anything about this industry you’ll understand it’s not a small amount of money we’re playing with here so it’s safe to say the risks were high.
Getting clients to trust me with large amounts of money and their homes was not an easy task at twenty-three, but somehow through my organization and holding their hand every step of the way I began to build trust with my clients, and soon enough I found people requesting me specifically for their projects.
After growing so rapidly in my previous design job I knew what the next step was for me and it was a hard decision to make. Believing in myself again, enough to spread my wings and begin my brand and interior design journey independently. It was a decision of high risk but I wouldn’t change a single thing about it as it’s been the best decision I’ve ever made.
Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Bilal Rehman Studio?
Bilal Rehman Studio is a luxury interior design Studio based out of Houston, TX. We focus on experience-based designs, that not only look beautiful but stimulate all the senses from the scent, touch, and emotional presence of our designs.
Everything in our projects plays a role in the way a space makes you feel. We stand out of the crowd by approaching design differently. A space that is just beautiful to look at but not comfortable, functional, or emotionally seductive is simply just not designed.
We tend to design very dramatic spaces that have a certain level of shock value, unique pieces, and a sexiness that allows our clients to not only have a beautiful space but to elevate everyday experiences. Something as simple as turning on the lights can become an experience when designed correctly. We like to think of ourselves as the next generation of luxury interior design.
Is there something surprising that you feel even people who know you might not know about?
Although from the outside, I’m recognized as a mature professional, many are shocked to find out that I am only 23 years old. I know to some it may be hard to believe that I’ve been able to establish myself and grow my career this far at such a young age but trust that it didn’t come without sacrificing the normal “20-year-old” lifestyle.
Although some may see my age as a negative, I see it as an opportunity to bring a fresh take on the world of interior design and to show other people my age that you don’t have to be old to be successful.
Contact Info:
- Website: bilalrehmanstudio.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bilalrehman/?hl=en
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bilalrehmanstudio/?ref=page_internal
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/89922320/admin/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-RCCakP4yMVk0kM5-Q6lkA/featured
- Other: https://www.tiktok.com/@bilalrehmanstudio