Today we’d like to introduce you to Lauren Kay De La Calzada.
Hi Lauren Kay, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
The mission of Street Treats is to serve the Greater Houston community by sharing the beauty of Filipino culture. An important value of Filipino culture is family. Street Treats aims to bring friends and family together one treat at a time to make your time with them unique and sweet. The name Street Treats is inspired by my family last name “De La Calzada” which translates to “of the street”.
I started baking with my mom when I was in elementary school. We would always make tortas (Filipino mamon or sponge cake) together for family parties or church potlucks. People loved it so much that sometimes I would not even make it to the table to set out because people would grab arm-fulls just to hide and bring home.
I have always been creative growing up. I would do art in my free time and sing in vocal ensembles up until I graduated high school from HSPVA. Throughout high school, I would show my appreciation to my friends and teachers through baked goods. I would make small treats for gifts during major holidays and events to pass out to people in my classes. I continued to learn new recipes and make small gift treats throughout my first few years of college at Houston Baptist University. When I was secretary of the Filipino Student Association at HBU in 2019, I would bring small treats like cookies, cupcakes, and trifles to our general meetings for the members. Through each experience, I found joy in the smiles they had whenever they received a treat.
Once the pandemic started in 2020, I would fill up my free time with baking. I officially registered Street Treats in June 2020 and began serving the community by helping people celebrate with their loved ones at home one small treat at a time. Street Treats is where I combine my love for baking, art, culture, and service. As I am finishing up nursing school at HBU this December 2021, I am hoping to continue Street Treats for as long as I can. I have many hopes and dreams in the future for Street Treats, like opening a cake supply store that will support and encourage future bakers or anyone who just wants to learn and have fun!
I used to struggle with believing I only had to choose one path, but I realized I can be more than one thing. I am a small business owner. I am a future nurse. I am a community organizer. I am a servant leader.
I would not be where I am today without the love and support of my friends, family, and supportive clients. Most importantly, God is good all the time and He is the one who gives the strength to serve everyday.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It has not been a smooth road. I am balancing nursing school, community work, ministry, and my small business all in one brain! There are days where my anxiety is through the roof thinking about everything I have to get done. Some days I wanted to give up baking and only do nursing, and other days I wanted to give up nursing and only do baking!
I also struggle with self doubt thinking what I am doing is not enough. No matter how hard I tried and no matter how much positive feedback I would receive, I would sit and think about all the small things I could have done better. That feeling would eat up inside me. I am blessed to have a supportive community who encourages and prays for me in times of struggle.
Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Street Treats?
What do I specialize in? Street Treats creates custom cakes, treats and boxes for your loved ones to share.
What am I known for? Street Treats is known for personalized treat boxes and cakes. The custom letter/number boxes and cakes are my best sellers. Also, my custom character macarons are also popular during my pop ups and celebrations.
Street Treats is here to serve YOU, so let me know how we can help you and your family celebrate!
Alright so before we go can you talk to us a bit about how people can work with you, collaborate with you or support you?
If you would like to order or see the menu, head over to www.linktr.ee/streettreats.lk. My availability calendar can also be found there to see if your date is available. Follow me on Instagram and engage with content! The algorithm for Instagram is hard so any engagement and support is much appreciated. 🙂
I am open to collaborations and working with local organizations. I love helping the community in any way I can!
Contact Info:
- Email: streettreatslk@gmail.com
- Website: www.linktr.ee/streettreats.lk
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/streettreats.lk/
- Facebook: facbook.com/streettreats.lk
Image Credits
Faith Dagohoy