Today we’d like to introduce you to Alli G.
Hi Alli, so excited to have you on the platform. So, before we get into questions about your work life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
Who am I?
A very broad question- My self-concept and perception of who I differ from how others might see me. But I am still full of things to describe to a stranger. Who I am means to me that I am a constituent of every passion of mine, and every person I have been affected by placed into a visual version of reality. It is a universal trait, to pick up the pieces of others and the culture around us; Every person, song, or idea that crosses our path leaves a little of themself and takes a little of us to show the world. The more I think about it, the more I realize we are not exactly who we think we are- We are a complete combination, a visual representation of everyone and everything around us. I am the product of the aspects around me.
AG is what I go by, but my real name is Alli. I was Born and Raised in Little Rock, Arkansas. I am a 21-year-old, self-made, traveling digital content creator.
From a young age, I took an interest in creating no matter what the arena was- photos, videos, or art. The more I grew up the more I became invested in the idea. It made me value the beauty of others and everything around me. As a senior in high school, I eventually began my journey into videography, when I came across PHHHOTO and Videography channels like- Indy Blue. When Phhhoto was around- I was at 1.2 million likes on my account. At this time my memory was pretty bad, and I began to fill my time with capturing anything I may forget. I wanted to be able to remember every single aspect of everything. I began shooting pictures and videos and making short recaps/vlogs just for fun.
As I began my first year of college- With a double major in Sociology and Criminology- but I felt like I was suppressing my creativity. I did not know for sure if I wanted to pursue the career, I had told everyone that I wanted-although it was interesting- I did not want to face the reality of it. I thought my life was entirely figured out- But on the inside I couldn’t help but try and find my way back to what I genuinely wanted to do.
I implemented it into my classes and forced any paper to be about -Music and Visuals which analyzes art in society -I examined– as both are a special category of culture. The empirical phenomenon was something I had been researching- it is a set of ideas with which you can make sense of a situation while you photograph it. While focusing on my own life and degrees- videography was something I did in my dorm on the side, when society took a turn for the worse- the pandemic- the worst thing. could have imagined at the time- (or so I thought). I was craving an outlet to dive into as the pandemic halted everything and everyone’s ideas.
Sometimes the rejection and bad things that happen in our lives redirect us on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.
Everyone had been ordered to stay at home and quite literally – live a bland life- everyone was confused and introverted- I questioned what was going on and looked for answers. I eventually remembered how to make sense of a situation- showcasing reality. The pandemic made me begin the first real showcase of my videos and pictures, which boosted my career to where I am today. It taught me the value- ‘Never had so little meant so much to so many people’- When everything seemed to be going wrong in the world- I came back to my core and was reminded that romanticizing reality -was the idea to be thankful of the people around us and the small aspects in our life. RomanticizingReality was the beginning channel and pages I publicly promoted my life on.
Music as well as Visuals all helped me with expressing the things I loved about life – it gave me a narrative to show others, their identity, and their reality. Visuals -particularly on a cultural level- Show the elements that catch people’s attention. I created my website by myself, Researched marketing, expanded editing styles, wrote concepts, and reached out to venues. All while Sitting at home. When the pandemic ended, I started college again and reached out to anyone and everyone who would let me photograph them. After a year of taking pictures on the side- checking my email box constantly for access to shows, I dove in headfirst at the beginning of the summer.
I was plotting “how can I combine these two loves that I’ve developed over the years?” So, I started working towards making that a real job. I started my media brand alone, in full force. I had just turned 21 and took every opportunity I could get- in order to get my name out there. Everyone around me thought I was crazy- and I have had plenty of instances of being turned away from venues/jobs because of my appearance as a 21-year-old female. I am very dedicated to my brand and have not let obstacles deter me from my path. Since this time, I am about to turn 22 and changed my ‘dream’ into a reality that I am so passionate about. I am a self-made, Digital Creator. Today I wear many hats in the field of content and now have put college on pause to; work with bands-musicians-venues-influencers, create content, shoot videos, edit, manage media, design merch, produce, Media Marketing, and everything else- a media label has to do, full time. This past year has been one of the most productive and eye-opening years of my life. I have been blessed to see my brand expand so immensely- in the 9 months, I have shot over 70 shows, 3 Festivals, 9 music videos, created over 300 videos, and turned taking pictures of the little aspects of life into, showing the world the grip music and visuals hold in reality.
Displaying my art, being featured in galleries, and bringing other’s ideas to life on media, creating, taking pictures, or making videos, or mixing music, I have always tried to become the best version of myself- and have relied on my abilities to speak volumes over some of the choice words and the lack of support I have received on this journey. My love for music/visuals has propelled me into a new realm of the social media aspects that are so rapidly increasing today. Boasting about myself is not usually what I prefer to do but, my friends know me as somebody who will finish a project and get it done correctly no matter how long it takes me, I will never quit on it- I guess that’s what has led me to create. I am constantly coming up with new ideas and creative designs for pictures/ videos to post that capture the world around me. I will even set an alarm for ‘New Music Friday’ to find the perfect song to go with what the audience should feel. When I was starting out, I was a freelance photographer- and had a few major connections in the music industry, but wanted to make a name for myself on my own- although the value of others’ help is a great thing. I wanted to be proud of my work, as my own work, and wanted to fail and succeed on my own accord. All of my research on the underground, rising stars, and dedication to the music industry- has recently paid off when my Content was used to create a music festival. I’ve been surrounded by entertainment my whole life. My vision is definitely one of a kind.
This field has propelled me into a new aspect of pressure and growth that I love. Pressure is nothing new to me, it inspires me- I genuinely admire and enjoy everyone I have met and will meet in the future. Creating and Connecting is something I hold very high, and I can’t wait to see how I can elevate my ideas, and others, this year. Capturing the moment and all of the small things that only an artist’s angle can pursue is something that I think I do best even if it’s just for fun, I am always trying to generate links and produce new elements in the forms of media. My dedication and drive come from capturing reality, music culture, and the genuine aspects I see. I am definitely still learning and adapting to the music and entertainment industry. I strive to grow in every aspect.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
One of the biggest battles I have faced is a lack of support- or people not taking my passion seriously. Sometimes though the obstacle in the way is the path. I know the people I shoot for are more than respectful and value me, but I do feel discouraged some days when others around me use my age, gender, or a general lack of knowledge of my own work -to downplay my path. I enjoy defying social expectations and showing other girls that you do not have to follow a label or box yourself into a category just because someone else may do that for you. I think my confidence and comfort myself in work and with answers to these kinds of questions can be intimidating to some, but everyone should strive for acceptance from their own self first before anyone else. My confidence comes from my own acceptance of who I am and who I want to be because if I was not accepting and confident in who I am, how could anyone else be? I think we should desire to loosen our grip on expectations (in every field), and not glance behind ourselves- being afraid of the judgment of others. It can be extremely difficult for female entrepreneurs to access support platforms or secure mentorship. I think I have to be more determined with my work and myself- But I am very proud of where I am and how far I have come. Even when meaning no harm in certain conversations, male or female, when your art is seemed to be less than or not valuable, everyone knows how bad it feels to feel like- you’re not seen. I think we should all just be more open in many ways of thinking and life and be a bit more supportive of others. Just because something someone does isn’t something you would like to do or isn’t something you understand does not mean it is not important. The most important things in this world have been accomplished by people who tried harder even when feeling like they had no support.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I wear many hats today, I am content creating for several artists, creating merch/cover art, vlogging for myself and my clients, shooting live music events, managing client’s media, and filming/editing music videos I am known for my commitment to my craft and my strategies in the music/media field. I try my best to understand the vision of my clients and take their creative routes into account. I check in and altar any aspect for their ideas because it is their own creation in the end- the least I can do is to support and create for their visions that I gratefully get to be a part of. My specialty is videography and creating content based off of each client. Being Self-employed can be a challenge and scary for some people but I think it has set me apart from those in my field as well as my expansion in less than a year. I think that once I fully committed to my craft, I was given a space in the industry and world to prove that I belong here. And prove that I am not one to miss out on an opportunity just because it may be challenging. I think what sets me apart from other creators, is that I am not afraid of challenges or failure. Many people I see around me struggle with the fear of not being perfect and then do not seek progress for their own self. I am more afraid of not trying and thinking of all the possible outcomes that could’ve happened. I am moving, in one week, to Los Angeles, out of my home state in order to make connections and try new things in my field. As well as further my career/life experience, after that I plan on finding a tour to shoot for or whatever the world may hold for me. I’ve only planned a month or so ahead and I’m doing it by myself. My dedication to creating, my clients, and progress is more important to me than anything. I remember when I dreamed about being where I am today and that alone is something I am very proud of.
What was your favorite childhood memory?
I think my favorite childhood memory would be just about anytime I spent with my grandparents- we were always outside or doing things I enjoyed- and I recently found all of the VHS tapes from my grandpa’s camera that I use now for a vintage-type film. They always videoed everything and I am so thankful I can go back to watch those videos and have those with me now. I just remember being so happy and supported by them, they really were the best thing to happen to my childhood. They have been the foundation of who I am today. They taught me so many things and even Latin- which was the first tattoo I got dedicated to them, it reads in Latin ‘Only real love and passion conquers all things; let us, too, yield to it’.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://agsvisuals.myportfolio.com/
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/agsvisuals?igshid=MDM4ZDc5MmU=
- Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/theallifaith
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/@agsvisuals
- Other: Flowcode- https://www.flowcode.com/page/agsvisuals?fbclid=PAAaYqVF_pHSUwPD3Mt-eb3IFLd3wW3UCocLEHn3R5w9u_FThVpFtAZ8chYtY TikTok- https://www.tiktok.com/@agvisual?_t=8a4K6hJ1Jq2&_r=1
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