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Life & Work with Marcus Curtis

Today we’d like to introduce you to Marcus Curtis. Them and their team share their story with us below:

Marcus A. Curtis, CEO at GoodFellas Public Relations & Marketing, a New York native who’s passionate about a future and making meaningful connections every day. His early career started out serving four active-duty years in the US Air Force. Marcus began his studies at Rutgers University alongside the Center for Communication and Health Issues director.

In 2020, he devised a plan to help physicians and small businesses during the pandemic. This became a much-needed service and the start of GoodFellas PRM. Marcus has had a natural knack for communicating and bringing people together all his life. His success is guided by his faith and desire to make a change by bringing people together. Like the philosopher Aristotle, Marcus also believes “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”

Today, GoodFellas is HQ in Dallas, Texas, with offices in Houston, NYC, and Orlando. The company has partnered with more prominent companies like Puma and Seremedi, as well as smaller businesses and individuals (across the US) looking to build their brand. The GoodFellas™ motto is “the best way to shine your light and make a positive impact. Nothing is more honorable than helping improve the lives of others.”

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Not at all. Some of the struggles were bootstrapping the business, building the right team, creating the right message, and remaining consistent day by day.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I’m most known for my consistency and high-positive spirit. I get along with anyone; I’m an excellent leader and role model.

In my career, I’ve worked in the Governor of New Jersey’s communication department, with the New York Jets, and with financial giants like Bain Capital. So I’ve seen a variety of sectors, and if you include my military background, I’ve worked with various people and cultures. One thing is for sure they will all agree to the first two sentences of this response.

I’m most proud of being an inspiration to those around me.

In terms of your work and the industry, what are some of the changes you are expecting to see over the next five to ten years?
I hope to conduct business beyond the US in the next 5-10 years. I see GoodFellas as a multimillion-dollar business that has helped be an effective staple in communities all across the globe and still growing.

Hopefully, by then, I have already started my family too. That’s a big change and one I really look forward to.

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