Today we’d like to introduce you to Andrew Beaver.
Hi Andrew, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
August 2019, I quit my 6-figure job as a CPA to pursue passions that truly felt rewarding. These passions revolved around teaching young athletes about life through football and helping adults live a more financially fit lifestyle. During this time, I was writing my book, UnSpoken Game, where I lay out key strategies I used to rid myself of debt and earn a 6-figure net worth. Since being leaving my job then moving to Houston, December 2019, I have been transforming from employed to self-employed (working same / more hours with less benefits) to a self-employed venture capitalist that leverages earned income to invest and generate capital passively. My goal now is to show others innovative ways that they can do the same with or without their 9-5.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
This has been one of the hardest years of my life. From leaving a great benefit job to moving to a city where I knew very little people DURING a pandemic that we haven’t seen in our young lifetime. I battled with self-doubt regarding whether I made the right decisions to lack of motivation and wasting days/weeks away doing nothing.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
I wrote a book on my journey from $60k in debt to a six-figure net worth and I lay out key steps to getting there. I’ve created a financial literacy brand that my goal is to show that making money is easy and cool to do. I discuss strategies around budgeting, creating goals, side hustling, networking, passive investing, real estate, business planning, etc. The brand has expanded from the book to t-shirts “be her asset, not liability” / “be his asset, not liability” and statement jewelry. I leverage my network to provide passive investment opportunities to people around me. I believe I’m one of the most transparent “influencers” / financial coach out there. I’m currently living through my successes and giving people real-life opportunities to grow with me and not just looking to benefit from people purchasing a service/product of mine. I speak on the good and the bad throughout the process.
Can you talk to us a bit about the role of luck?
I don’t believe in luck but mainly about the importance of being consistent, believing in myself and my personal faith. I understand that I along with others have been more fortunate than some as far as starting place but I do believe we all can grow into a comfortable space for our lives (even if being the next Jay-Z, P. Diddy, etc.)
- UnSpoken Game Book – $20
- Statement Braclets – $12 each
- Statement Earrings – $8 each
- Be His/Her Asset Shirt – $20 each
Contact Info:
- Email: customersupport@unspokengame.com
- Website: www.unspokengame.com
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/unspokengame